U.S. ATTACK IN-PROGRESS -- LIVE UPDATES IN PROGRESS -- Here it comes . . . B1b Bombers are "in the air"

U.S. ATTACK IN-PROGRESS  -- LIVE UPDATES IN PROGRESS -- Here it comes . . . B1b Bombers are "in the air"

United States B-1b heavy bombers took off from the continental United States earlier today (won't say when) enroute to the Middle East "for a mission."  Those are huge aircraft and very, VERY, fast. 

Whatever is going to take place in the Middle East, in retaliation for the deaths of three US Soldiers last week in Jordan, is likely to take place "within hours." 

Whatever targets these aircraft are being sent to hit, will not exist on this planet very much longer.


********** BULLETIN **********

Other B-1B's apparently took off at 10:30 (eastern US TIme this morning) from Lakenheath Air Base in the UK.  So the ones from the US are hours behind the arrival of those UK-deployed B-1b's. 

Two rounds of US heavy  bombers?   This is going to be big.



The approximate air distance from Lakenheath to, let's say Damascus, Syria, is about 4650km.  

The typical cruising speed for a B-1b is 647 MPH which converts of 1,041kph.

So if the B-1b's took off from Lakenheath in the UK at about 10:30 this morning, it's about four hours from the UK to Syria at the aircraft's "typical" cruising speed.  That makes the projected arrival time in the Syrian/Iraq region, less than ONE HOUR from now, which is 1:41 PM EST as I type this.  If, however, those planes stepped-up their travel speed, then things could be going BOOM in the Middle East right about . . . now.



An American "official" has stated "The countdown to the air campaign against the militias affiliated with Iran has begun, and zero hour is very close."

By my calculations, the B-1b Aircraft that took off from the USA earlier today, as reported above, would have been about where you see the arrow around 9:00 AM EST this morning.  There is a REFUELING TANKER coming out near Spain to meet them at that time (6 hours ago):

As this update publishes (3:08 PM EST) Stock Markets are still open here in the USA.   If today's missions follow normal timing, the attacks will take place AFTER those markets close for the weekend.



A very accurate location for the American B-1b's has been confirmed from a short while ago, from another in-flight refueling, but this LOCATION information is being withheld (by me) to protect the air crews as they head into harm's way.

Below is during the additional in-flight refueling TODAY, but I will not say where or when:


IMAGE DELETED.   What was sent to me as "an image of a B-1b being refueled TODAY," turned out to be an image of ANOTHER refueling, totally unrelated to today.  Sorry I got duped in the heat of coverage.



********** FLASH *********

UPDATE 3:50 PM EST -- The United States of American is attacking targets in the Middle East.   Numerous Explosions taking place in Syria.




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-- Iranian-backed militias in eastern Syria are issuing a direct order to personnel on the borders between Syria and Iraq to vacate the border points immediately!


-- VERY CONFUSING REPORTS COMING IN:  Aerial bombardment reported against targets the areas of Al-Haidariya and Al-Shibli in Al-Mayadeen in the Deir ez-Zor countryside, but also being severely cautioned "This is not ***THE*** attack."


4:05 PM EST -- Drone activity in the border areas of Syria and Iraq, complete evacuation of border points by Iranian-backed militias.

-- Iran has placed its entire armed forces on high alert, activated its surface-to-air defense systems, and deployed ballistic missiles along the Iraqi border.

-- the strikes (under CONFUSED REPORTS above) on eastern Syria were launched by Israel not US.


-- 4:11 PM EST -- Pentagon source: Between 8 and 12 sites in eastern Syria and Iraq used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Iran-backed groups have just been hit by the US Air Force. Much more coming.

-- B-1Bs are using JASSM-ER cruise missiles while F-15Es are using JDAMs.

-- Airstrikes by Fighter and Bomber Aircraft of the U.S. Air Force are continuing against Iranian Positions in Eastern Syria and Iraq, with Officials stating that the 8-12 Sites which have been Targeted within the last hour are “Just the Beginning.”


-- Al Jazeera quoting Syrian media: 10 were killed and 18 were injured as a result of an American aggression on border areas with Iraq


-- US Air Force KC-135 refueling aircraft activates distress signal over Qatar!

-- The US military is using its bases in the Arab countries to strike Syria and Iraq!


NOTE: CNN, Fox, and Reuters appear to have finally Confirmed that U.S. Strikes are ongoing against Iranian and Iranian-Backed Sites in Eastern Syria and Iraq, the only problem is that they have already been ongoing for 35 Minutes.  Of course, YOU knew that because you get your news HERE instead of from the so-called "main stream media."

 -- American insider:  "it is the beginning of a long military campaign."

 -- Local outlet reporting "more and more airstrikes" on Al-mayadeen, eastern Syria

-- Significant Casualties reported following U.S. Airstrikes on a Base used by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran in the Town of Al-Mayadeen in Eastern Syria.

-- US assets are striking in eastern Syria and NOW  . . . . in Iraq.   

-- U.S. airstrikes on IRGC-related people at Al-Qa'im, Iraq.

CENTCOM Statement on U.S. Stikes in Iraq and Syria

At 4:00 p.m. (EST) Feb. 02, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces conducted airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militia groups. U.S. military forces struck more than 85 targets, with numerous aircraft to include long-range bombers flown from United States. The airstrikes employed more than 125 precision munitions. The facilities that were struck included command and control operations, centers, intelligence centers, rockets, and missiles, and unmanned aired vehicle storages, and logistics and munition supply chain facilities of militia groups and their IRGC sponsors who facilitated attacks against U.S. and Coalition forces.


-- 4:49 PM EST --  The US has so far conducted four waves of airstrikes in eastern Syria

-- US military base at the occupied Conoco oil field in eastern Syria hit with a rocket barrage


RETALIATION!   -- Reports of a missile attack targeting the American military base in the Conico oil field in Syria.

-- Rocket salvoes targeting American bases in eastern Deir ez-Zor.


RELATED??? -- Another ship HAS BEEN HIT and damaged off the coast of Yemen in the Red Sea.


-- US Central Command has confirmed that both the Israelis and the US Armed Forces carried out the strikes.


FWIW:  Tonight's strikes in W. Iraq & E. Syria are FAR bigger than any action undertaken before against Iran's proxies ever before.  There are ongoing and huge secondary explosions on both sides of the Syria/Iraq border which suggest big rocket/missile depots have been hit.   

A PMF HQ was hit in Iraq too: headache for Baghdad.


-- Plumes of smoke rise from the US Conico base in Syria after it was targeted by a number of retaliatory  missiles.


The White House has issued a statement:



This is rather interesting . . . . F-16 “Fighting Falcons” with the Royal Jordanian Air Force are reported to have Participated in tonight’s U.S-Led Airstrikes against the IRGC and Iranian-Backed Groups in Iraq and Syria, likely a Response to the Drone Attack which took place against a U.S. Base on Jordanian Territory.



From Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin: "This is the start of our response. The President has directed additional actions to hold the IRGC and affiliated militias accountable for their attacks on U.S. and Coalition Forces"

(Hal Turner remark: As long as the Secretary of Defense is not disappeared for a couple weeks for a deliberately concealed health issue?)


Incidentally, along the same lines, Apparently, the US has started a military response, yet Biden is on vacation in Delaware, AND HE'S CALLED A LID.

 He's NOT in the White House with advisors.

He's NOT in the situation room with his military leaders.

Who TF is running this shit show?



NOTE: The attacks, at least for now, appear to be over.  As such, LIVE UPDATES to this story are terminated as of 5:42 PM EST.   

If there are more updates, I will broadcast them on my live radio show tonight beginning at 9:00 PM eastern US Time (GMT -0500).  You can hear that show on radio and here on the net as follows:

WBCQ on frequencies 7490 and 6160

WRMI on frequency 5950

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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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