INTEL: Institutional Kitchens Being Warned "Have Food Stored for 10 Day Disruption in Supply Chain"

INTEL: Institutional Kitchens Being Warned "Have Food Stored for 10 Day Disruption in Supply Chain"

Institutions like Hospitals, jails, prisons, etc., were told, casually, three weeks ago, they "should probably have enough food on-hand to get through a ten day disruption of supply chains."   Few thought much of that.   Then today . . .

. . . they are being explicitly WARNED to "make sure you have enough food to get through a ten day supply chain outage."

The warnings are coming down from vendors and now, from GOVERNMENT.  It's not a suggestion anymore, it is a mandate.  They're being told "Do this; make sure it's done."

Hospitals and institutions like prisons, jails, and the like, have populations that cannot simply go elsewhere and find food; so them HAVING the food would be essential if someone knows there is definitely a major disruption to supply chains coming.

Now, on its face, there is nothing going on at the moment that might even give rise to a HINT of supply chain disruption, never mind specifically for ten days, unless . . .   

The NATO Exercise in Europe from June 12-24, near the Ukraine conflict, goes "hot" and there is some type of massive exchange with Russia, as reported today, HERE.

If the powers-that-be (TPTB) already KNOW there is going to be some type of wild-weasel situation between NATO and Russia, then it would be in the interests of TPTB to cover their butts and make certain their institutions have food supplies in advance.

Common sense tells us that these institutions wouldn't be getting this warning -- NATIONWIDE IN THE U.S. -- unless this "supply chain disruption" was, in fact, going to affect the entire nation.   What else but a big exchange between NATO and Russia could affect the entire nation?

If government is now telling Hospitals and other institutions to MAKE SURE they have enough food to get through a ten day supply chain disruption, then maybe you and I should take heed and make sure we have food too?

In fact, seems to me we should make sure we have a lot more than ten days supply.

Of course, we only have so much space to store our food, and only have so much money we can throw at that project without knowing better details, but I strongly recommend my readers of this web site take heed and take action.

NOW.  While you still can . . .



This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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