Israel-Hamas: "Bread & Circuses V.2.0" - Gaza = New Roman Colosseum

Those watching the Israel-Hamas conflict need to realize this is "Bread & Circuses Version 2.0."  Gaza is the new Roman Colosseum and in this V2.0, the Gladiators not only kill each other, they kill the audience too !  

What we're watching in the Gaza Strip is literally the new version of a Roman Colosseum where everyone gets to watch actual slaughter, no one steps in to stop it, and the "Gladiators" (Both Israel IDF and Hamas) not only kill each other, they kill the spectators, too.  It's . . . entertainment . . . . . to the sick bastards doing all of this.

Are you not entertained?   Well, let me entertain you:

This is what "Israel" calls "Self-Defense:"  A whole street of houses and apartment buildings next to a hospital - from which NO SHOOTING and NO ROCKET LAUNCHES has taken place -- being leveled by fighter jets dropping bombs:

THIS is "self-defense?"   No.  it's not.   It is intentional slaughter.

But wait, there's more!   Here is from a LIVE news report as the Indonesia hospital in Gaza gets hit:

Coincidence, you say?   How about this additional hospital as __it__ is being bombed?

Bombing hospitals is "self defense?"   No.  It isn't.  IT IS BARBARIC.  It is a war crime.   It is Satanic.

Now, some of you are so slavishly braindead, that you say "Hamas has tunnels under the hospitals, and Israel is bombing them for that."   Oh.  Really?   Where's the proof?   There is none.

And for the officials in Israel who are doing this, it seems to me they don't even care that there is none.  No one demands answers.  It's as if this is some action movie and the world is simply sitting back watching.

It seems to me the officials in "Israel" have a mission to purge the Palestinians and that is exactly what they're doing!   Are you not entertained by it all?

Come now, they're "only" Palestinians!

Your Barbaric rationalizations are disgusting.



This situation was deliberately engineered.  The Israel defense establishment, including police, were allegedly ordered to "stand -down" for upwards of seven hours on October 7.  For reasons still not disclosed, a bunch of yahoos on para-gliders were somehow able to penetrate the most-heavily-guarded and surveilled border in the world, and go on a killing spree, unmolested by law enforcement or military.

The whole notion that this was some well-planned attack, is a sickening lie.  This was ALLOWED TO HAPPEN . . . . ON PURPOSE.


Israel has hated the Palestinians for decades.  Israel wants the Gaza Strip so they can build the Ben Gurion Canal, as a competitor to the Suez Canal, and thus grab some of the Billions in revenue presently going to Egypt.

But the existence of the Gaza strip, is a real problem for building that canal; and the __only__ solution to that problem is to get the Palestinians OUT.

Under the proposed Canal plan, Israel needs northern Gaza for all the canal operations locks, warehousing and Administrative needs for canal operation.  Northern Gaza . . .  the exact place that Israel is wiping out right now!

Then, too, there's all the natural gas and oil found just off the coast of Gaza. Here's a map of the Gaza Marine gas field off the coast of Gaza in the Mediterranean Sea:

Literally hundreds of billions of dollars in gas and oil, just sitting there, waiting to be drilled and sold off.  But again, those pesky Palestinians are there, and it is THEY who get the revenue from all that gas and oil.

So, with two gigantic financial incentives, the canal and the oil/gas field,  it seems clear to me that certain interests in Israel decided to make a phony "terrorist attack," allow a bunch of Israeli "useless eaters" to get killed, then use that as an excuse to annihilate Palestinians and grab Gaza forever.  After all, who cares if a few Israelis get killed, there's billions of dollars at stake!

Liberals used to chant "No war for oil."  Where are they now?

Oh, yea.  They're too busy trying to decide if they're boys or girls, and what hormones to take to change their sex.  They can't be bothered with something as trivial as the wholesale slaughter of innocent men, women, and children.


Which brings me to my fellow "Conservatives."  Most of them have their head so far up Israel's ass, it's a wonder they can even breathe.  Except, their blind adoration for "Israel" is misplaced.  They aren't backing true "Israel" which is a PEOPLE in the Bible, not lines on a map drawn by men.  They're backing the PHONY Israel . . . . Created by and being run by those Biblically identified as "Those who call themselves Jews and are not; They are a Synagogue of Satan."

Holy smokes!  Hold-on there Hal, how DARE you say that?

This member of the British House of Lords, explains that "Israel" was  . . . . ready for HIS words . . . .  "created out of Jewish Terrorism."

The video below is Sir Gerald Kaufman, a Jewish member of the British House of Lords from the year 2016. He died in 2017. 

He makes a very strong case for __my__ current views.  Take 5 minutes to hear these truths:

Let me go just a tad bit farther and I'll tell you how dare I say the ones doing Gaza are Satanic:  Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 for starters.

(2:9 -- KJV I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.)

(3:9 - KJV  Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

For those Conservatives still not understanding they're backing Satan, remember what Jesus Himself said to the Pharisees:

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. 43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. 46 Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? 47 He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.”

Now, try putting on your thinking cap and consider:  If there were people that Jesus Himself told "You are of your father the devil" walking around while Jesus walked the earth, doesn't it stand to reason some of them are HERE TODAY?

Guess what?  You're seeing them in real-time.  They're the ones doing this Gaza thing.  Slaughtering men, women and children, with fighter jets dropping 2,000 pound bombs on Hospitals, schools, colleges, churches, Mosques, ambulance convoys and more.

They claim this is "self defense" but it is not.  Remember, they are of their father, the Devil and they lie.  There is no rational explanation for dropping bombs from fighter jets and levelling entire square blocks of Gaza and somehow CLAIMING this is "self defense.   It is not.  It is the wholesale slaughter of innocent people.

Worse, some of you are so slavishly brainwashed, you actually justify this mass murder by saying "They're God's Chosen, they can do what they want."

No they're not and no they can't.

The officials doing this are of their father the devil.  The officials doing this are the "Jews who say they are Jews, but are not."

We were warned about them and YOU are ignoring those warnings.

Then, to add insult to injury, you DARE bring God into this as if he says it's OK for "Israel" to do this.  God doesn't need men to kill anyone.  Almighty God can shut any of us - or all of us - OFF at will.

To bring God into this, as a means to defend the outright murder being done by "Israel" is the worst Blasphemy I've heard in my 61 years on this earth.

You ought to be ashamed of yourselves for being so slavishly brainwashed that you're clearly unable to even think for yourselves logically.

God COMMANDED US: "Thou shalt not do murder."

What is "Israel" doing?  Mass murder.

Whose bidding is "Israel" actually doing?  Our Creator, Almighty God's bidding, or rather the bidding of the one who "was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth?"   You shall know them by their fruits.  Look at the "fruit" "Israel" is producing now: Genocide.  

That, my fellow conservatives, is not "of God."

The mass-murder provides your answer.

Stop siding with Satan.  And stop justifying mass murder as if God thinks it's OK.   Your Blasphemy, willful blindness, and slavish brainwashing is going to get you in big trouble.

Get your collective heads out of the Zionist's ass and start seeing what's really going on.  You are backing the Satanists.   



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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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