UPDATE 8:37 PM EDT -- Israel Strikes Syrian Air Base . . . . Israeli Sources: "War Against Lebanon Begins Tonight" -- Hezbollah now moving Precision-guided missiles

UPDATE 8:37 PM EDT -- Israel Strikes Syrian Air Base . . . . Israeli Sources: "War Against Lebanon Begins Tonight" -- Hezbollah now moving Precision-guided missiles

After the Sunday night betrayal of Israel by the United States, whose envoy Amos Hochstein allegedly leaked attack target info to Hezbollah/Lebanon, thereby stalling the planned attack last night, word out of Israel is that "War against Lebanon begins tonight."

Reports coming from inside Lebanon claim Hezbollah has begun moving and readying some of their precision-guided missiles, but this seems odd.   If such missiles are being moved, won't they be visible from recon drones or satellites? Won't that make them first-strike targets?

For its part, Hezbollah issued a statement:

"Hezbollah does not want a comprehensive war with Israel, but if war breaks out, it will fight without limits."

The updated Israeli strike options in Lebanon today HAVE NOT been presented to security cabinet for fear of leaks. Netanyahu & Gallant will make the final decision on targets & timing.

The US is pressing Israel to hit only military assets, and to avoid attacks on Beirut.

The US embassy in Beirut reiterates calls for US nationals to leave Lebanon immediately, “before a crisis begins”. Those who choose to stay or can’t leave should prepare for a prolonged stay in their current locations.

Video below shows Beirut Airport is presently overwhelmed as thousands attempt to flee the country before the start of the Israeli attack:

Readers should be aware that the Time Zone in that part of the world is seven (7) hours ahead of the US East Coast.  So "tonight" over there seemingly can mean after 12:00 noon eastern time today . . . but of course none of us knows the exact start time.

As took place in the extensive coverage of developments yesterday (story Here) it is my intention to provide LIVE UPDATES on this site all day today, with full recap and all the latest on my worldwide radio show TONIGHT beginning at 9:00 PM eastern US time (GMT -0400).  Those updates will appear  below.

The radio show can be tuned-in worldwide on Global High Frequency (Shortwave) as follows:

Radio Station WBCQ on Frequency 7490  AND Frequency 6160

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WBCQ Streaming Audio Feed Here:   http://splatterbox.us/wbcq1   (VERY LIMITED CAPACITY)

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So set an alarm or a reminder in your cellphone to tune-in to the show tonight at 9:00 PM   E A S T E R N   Time tonight!

----------------------- BEGIN UPDATES ------------------------

12:12 PM EDT --

Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian in a Monday phone call with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, warned that any potential Israeli attack on Lebanon would have severe consequences for Israel.

-- The Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported that Iran has supplied Hezbollah and other Iranian proxy forces with electromagnetic ordnance, which can disable communication systems and shut down radars.   This weapon, which they say can be either drone-mounted or missile-mounted, sends out an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) which "induces" current in wiring and electronic circuit boards, frying them from the inside and rendering them useless.

 5:40 PM EDT --

Numerous confirmed reports of Iron Dome batteries being deployed to northern Israel all day today.

Several batteries are being moved further north; especially near Haifa.

6:36 PM EDT --

Thousands of heavily armed fighters continue to flow from Iraq and several other countries into Syria... the arena is the most crowded in terms of manpower.  The longer Israel waits, the worse it is getting . . .  for Israel.

8:37 PM EDT--

An Israeli airstrike has just taken place against the Tal Al-Jabiyah military base in southwestern Syria, near the city of Daraa’. Map below:


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

Radio Station Info

The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

WBCQ Freq. 7490 KHz and 6160 KHz

WRMI Freq. 5950 KHz and 7730 KHz

WWCR Freq. 7520 KHz



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