J.D. Vance DECLINES Phone Call from Ukraine's Zelensky

J.D. Vance DECLINES Phone Call from Ukraine's Zelensky

Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Senator J.D. Vance, declined to accept a telephone call from Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky.

Vance knows the ongoing fiasco of the Ukraine-Russia conflict was hopeless from its inception. 

He rightly pointed out in a speech on the floor of the US  Senate back in April, that even today, the ability of the collective West to manufacture ammunition, artillery shells, and missiles, pales in comparison to Russia's present (and increasing) abilities.  That speech is below.

There is simply no possible way for Ukraine to survive, never mind prevail.

As such, there was no sense in even speaking to Zelensky because Ukraine is already done for.

The only potential variable is if NATO finds (or creates) and excuse for their direct entry into the conflict.

But that would be a lost cause as well.

At the very beginning of the conflict, Russia made it explicitly clear that if NATO Treaty Article 5 (Collective self defense) is activated against Russia, "it will be a war the no one will win."

As readers already know, the only war "no one will win" is a nuclear war.

As such, Vance declined to speak to Zelensky.

Whether NATO finds - or creates - a reason to enter the conflict is anyone's guess right now, but certainly they are itching to do so. 

Just today, Ukraine's energy company, "evacuated" 5,000 employees of the Zaporozhe Nuclear Power Plant.  They have not said why.

All 6 nuclear Reactors of that plant are presently in cold shut down.  NONE of them is being used to generate electric.

As such, it seems almost impossible for their to be a nuclear incident or accident that would cause a radiation leak.

NATO has said that if that plant suffers a radiation leak, and the radiation floats by air into a NATO country, they would consider that "an attack" and would enter the war.

So today's "evacuation" of employees at the Zaporozhe nuclear power plant (NPP) is worrisome, because it signals something may be coming to cause a radiation leak.  

The world is, right now, literally walking on a razor's edge.  Falling off means World War 3.


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