Just Came Home From the Supermarket - People Oblivious to Banking Crisis

I just arrived home from the supermarket where I went to top-off some preps and get some extra meat due to the banking troubles . . .

People in the store were completely, totally, oblivious to what is taking place in the Banking system.   Not a care in the world.

The people on line behind me at the checkout noticed I had considerable amount of meat and they said "Got a lot of meat there."   I replied "Well, with the banks having troubles, I decided I would get some extra in case they all go under."  That raised eyebrows.

The guy's wife said "Oh, you mean those California Banks; they're not here, won't affect us."

I replied, "Silicon Valley Bank has a branch on Park Avenue in New York City for all the rich people.  Yesterday, the bank had to call the New York City Police to forcibly remove those people because they wanted their money and the bank couldn't give it to them.  Plus, all the companies that had PAYROLL in Silicon Valley Bank, that money is gone.  All the employee paychecks are no good.  This is gonna spread so fast it will make our heads spin."

The wife gave a worried look to the husband.   I told them "The FDIC is at twelve other banks already, and it looks bad for them too.  In fact, First Republic Bank looks like the next Domino to fall, probably tomorrow.  God only knows how many more after that."

The husband said "We haven't seen anything about other banks on TV."  I replied "You won't until it's too late."  

Then I told them "Look, go to an ATM and get some cash out today.  This way, if things go bad, you at least have money for food for a week or two til things settle down.  If you don't use it, you can put the money back in the bank, but it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it."

The husband nodded his head as if to say that's a good idea.

Frankly, I cannot fathom that the ENTIRE system might collapse.   It just makes no sense.  There is no reason at all to smash the entire country to smithereens, and that's exactly what would happen if the Banking system goes under.

I want to believe that cool heads will prevail and the system has enough back-stops built into it, to get through this.   But I can't help but feel that there is a much bigger, and very sinister plan, to force "the Great Reset" upon us all.  And what better way to do that, than to smash the entire Banking System right now?

If this turns out to be some evil plan, there's going to have to be reprisals against the people doing it.  Brutal reprisals.




This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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