***** FLASH ***** "BALLISTIC MISSILE LAUNCHES" UPDATED AGAIN 1:13 PM EDT -- Major Air Strikes Against Ukraine

***** FLASH ***** "BALLISTIC MISSILE LAUNCHES"    UPDATED AGAIN 1:13 PM EDT -- Major Air Strikes Against Ukraine

Reports are coming in that Russia has launched 12 TU-95 aircraft carrying missiles for Ukraine

If each aircraft is carrying a full load, that is up to 96 cruise missiles.

Air Raid Sirens are sounding throughout the red shaded areas of Ukraine shown on the map above.  Explosions likely to follow.

Check back.


UPDATE 11:31 AM EDT --

13 Russian Tu-95MS and a number of Tu-160M Strategic Bombers are currently noted Airborne across Western Russia heading towards “Launch Zones” over the Caspian Sea.

A Large Missile Attack on Ukraine _SEEMS_  Imminent.


UPDATE 11:34 AM EDT -- 

Preliminary launches of X-101/555 missiles from Tu-95 from the Caspian direction.

CONFIRMED!   Initial Detection by the Ukrainian Air Force of Cruise Missile launches by at least 12 Russian Tu-95MS Strategic Bombers over the Caspian Sea; the Missiles should be entering Ukrainian Airspace within the next hour. 


UPDATE 11:38 AM EDT -- 

ADDITIONAL MISSILE ATTACKS NOW TAKING PLACE!  High-speed missiles entering Ukraine from the north, Ukraine's air force says.


These are DAYLIGHT launches, not something the Russians usually do.


UPDATE 11:40 AM EDT --

Cruise Missiles Flying towards Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk .

Possible direction - Kremenchuk, Kropyvnytskyi!

Explosions are reported in Berislav district of  Kherson region and in Kharkov.


UPDATE 11:43 AM EDT --

Right now, Ukrainians are in a panic that has long crossed the line of hysteria.

Rockets over the Kirovograd region towards Kiev;

More missiles in the direction of the Vinnitsa region;

Rockets over the Zhytomyr region;

Zhytomyr region Powerful explosions;

Borispol, Kiev region, Explosions; Zhytomyr region.

Detonation of two warehouses with ammunition.


UPDATE 12:07 PM EDT --

Apparently, the Russian Air Force took significant steps to deceive the Ukrainian air defense; today's missiles are constantly changing course in mid-flight!

 Russian cruise missiles are flying to Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv and Odesa regions, — Ukrainian Air Force.

Explosions reported in Dnepropetrovsk region.

The second wave of Russian missiles is entering from the East.

Cruise missiles on the approaches to Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions!


Explosions Reported in Dnepropetrovsk and Kirovograd Regions

It appears that a portion of the Iskander missiles have successfully struck their intended targets.

The activation of the air raid alert following the initial strikes indirectly confirms the accuracy of the hits on these targets.

Moreover, there are indications that a ballistic missile strike targeted an assembly shop in Kharkov, which was allegedly involved in the production of drones.

As for the cruise missiles launched from the Caspian region, they have not yet reached their intended destinations.

There is speculation that these missiles could potentially target certain sites belonging to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Khmelnitsky and Vinnitsa regions.

NEW:  A group of missiles is moving along the border with Moldova in the direction of Khmelnytskyi region!


UPDATE 12:13 PM EDT --

Multiple explosions heard in Khmelnytskyi region



UPDATE 12:25 PM EDT --

Missiles entering Lviv.

Lviv region advised to take cover immediately, missiles inbound.

 Volyn and Rivne regions. Missiles also fly towards you.

 COURSE CHANGES - AGAIN:   Several RU cruise missiles turned from Lviv to Volyn region NOW!  Some rockets in the Ternopil region made a 180-degree turn.

 A group of missiles from Ternopil Oblast changes course to Zhytomyr Oblast, another group in the direction of Lviv Oblast and Volyn Oblast.

 UKRAINE authorities in panic, now hysteria: screaming to citizens "Missiles constantly change their flight path. Stay in shelters!"


UPDATE 12:46 PM EDT --

Russian "Dagger" missiles heading in the direction of Kyiv!

(NOTE: Today's ongoing missile barrages appear to be the largest and longest-sustained attack since the Russia-Ukraine conflict began.   Ter for months, we were all told "Russia is running out of missiles."  HMMMMM.  Looks like the people telling us that were . . .  ahem . . . wrong.)




Iskander missiles have JUST BEEN launched from the Bryansk region Russia.


***** FLASH *****

Multiple reports coming in claiming land-to-land BALLISTIC MISSILE LAUNCHES have taken place inside Russia, heading toward Ukraine.


UPDATE 12:57 PM EDT --

Explosions heard once again in the City of Khmelnytskyi in Western Ukraine.



The attack seems to have subsided.  No additional missiles are being tracked in, or toward, Ukraine.

Unconfirmed Reports that Starokostiantyniv Air Base in the Khmelnytskyi Region of Western Ukraine has been struck by at least 5 Russian Cruise Missiles.  This Base is Home to the 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade who operate Su-24 Tactical Bombers which are claimed to be the __ONLY__  Ukraine aircraft capable of utilizing “Storm Shadow” Air-Launched Cruise Missiles provided by the UK and France. 

If this base and its planes have been put out of commission, then Russia achieved multiple wins; knocking out more Ukraine air power and HALTING the ability of Ukraine to use STORM SHADOW missiles, anywhere in the country.

Reports are that this is attack was focused on NATO Assets, Supplies, and Command Centers inside Ukraine, which would explain the daylight strikes.





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