Massive Explosion in Tangarog, Russia - Ukraine Bombs Civilians!

Massive Explosion in Tangarog, Russia - Ukraine Bombs Civilians!

Reports are flooding-in that one or more massive explosions have struck Tangarog, Russia, a coastal city with a big beach frequented by tourists and vacationers.  Initial reports claim there are "MANY" injured/killed civilians.

This is a developing story, check back for updates which will appear below.


UPDATE 11:18 AM EDT --

The number of victims is currently 19.

Nine victims sent to hospitals. The main injuries are bruises, cuts from broken glass. The number is not final yet.

There seem to be no dead (although there are reports that there may be people under the rubble - rescue services say that presumably there is no one under the rubble) - we are waiting for official information to be clarified. 

The building of the Taganrog Art Museum was damaged. 

A converted S-200 anti-aircraft missile flew over Taganrog, with which Ukraine had already tried to shell the Crimea and the Crimean bridge area over the past month. The Russian Defense Ministry reported that the missile was hit in the air by Russian air defenses, and large pieces of debris fell in Taganrog. Hence apparently the reports of two explosions.

Ukraine has redesigned several launchers and is trying to use anti-aircraft missiles for launches against the Russian Federation, to replace the practically depleted other missiles they had.

These are harassing attacks designed primarily for PR, and secondarily for real military damage. But of course, this type of attack should not be underestimated. Even a downed missile can cause damage.


UPDATE 11:22 AM EDT -- 

A second missile has now been intercepted by Russian air defense systems, this time in the Azov district.

Details of the aftermath are being investigated according to Governor Vasily Golubev



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