Medvedev: ". . . The next few Hours. . ..

Medvedev: ". . . The next few Hours. . ..

The Deputy Chair of Russia's Federation Council (Senate) Dmitry Medvedev, said today -- out loud -- what most people believe President Vladimir Putin is thinking concerning the British view on a Ukraine ceasefire:

In other media, Medvedev made clear: "The Kiev regime still has a chance to save its people (in Kursk), the next few hours will show what they chose."

We may already have a hint at the Ukrainian response to the idea of surrendering in Kursk:  The Armed forces of Ukraine posted the following on Social Media today:

This statement by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry is completely, totally, out of touch with reality.  Either they are getting bad information about their own troops in Kursk, or they're simply lying to divert attention from the massive failure of their units.

Ukrainian troops inside Kursk, Russia are completely surrounded.  Totally encircled.  They have ZERO chance of survival.

The trouble with the Ukrainian Ministry social media posting above is simple: The Russians will not wait for long for Ukraine to tell troops in Kursk to surrender.  At some point, maybe tonight, if the Ukrainians do not surrender, the Russians are now in a position to utterly wipe them out. Kill ALL of them.

It would be a slaughter not seen on a battlefield since World War 2; and Ukraine would be on the losing  end of that slaughter.  All because Ukraine does not deal in reality.



This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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