Mercenaries from the West inside Ukraine - Stunning Numbers

The number of "mercenaries" inside Ukraine, from Western and NATO countries, is stunning.   The number of them KILLED is also stunning.  Details below:

The Russian Ministry of Defense continues to track and record all foreign mercenaries who have arrived in Ukraine to participate in combat actions.

The total number of foreign mercenaries who have arrived in Ukraine is 13,387 (Since 24 February 2022.)
Destruction of 5,962 foreign mercenaries has been confirmed to date.

◾The undisputed leader in terms of the number of killed fighters is Poland (2,960 arrived, 1,497 eliminated).
◾From Georgia, 1,042 fighters arrived, of whom 561 were eliminated.
◾The 1,113 'soldiers of fortune' arriving from the U.S. lost 491 killed.
◾More than 40% of Canadian mercenaries were eliminated (422 out of 1,005).
◾Of the 822 fighters arriving from the UK, 360 were eliminated.
◾From Romania, 784 mercenaries arrived, 349 were killed.
◾From Germany - 235 and 88, respectively.
◾France has already lost 147 militants out of 356 arrived
but denies -- at all levels --  the presence of its mercenaries on the territory of Ukraine.

Forty-four percent (44%) of all foreign mercenaries who went into Ukraine, are confirmed dead.

If one applies the same percentage to Ukrainian regular army troops, then out of the 800,000 troops that existed at the start of the conflict, it is logical to conclude that at least 352,000 are already dead.

Since Ukraine has been drafting-by-force during the entirety of the conflict, the number of Ukrainian dead is clearly far higher than 352,000.

At what point will anyone in the West come to the rational conclusion that the Ukrainians have ZERO chance of surviving continued hostilities?  Because THAT is the only rational conclusion to be arrived at.

If the West decides to pursue a suicidal effort to enter Ukraine militarily, is it not clear already that Western Forces would see the same 44% of their men killed the same way Ukraine has?

Last week, it was admitted by the West that eighty percent (80%) of Ukrainian Drones have been rendered useless by Russian Electronic Warfare!  80% ! ! ! 

Those are Western-supplied drones.   Does the West think it will have better odds if THEY are the ones launching the drones?  Such a conclusion would be idiocy.

When will the West come to its senses and tell Ukraine "We've reached the end, you must sue for peace with Russia?"

As it stands now, Western armament supplies are dwindling to the point where Western nations are no longer able to defend THEIR OWN territory, because they have so depleted their supplies of Ammunition, artillery shells, and missiles.

If the West _does_ engage in Ukraine, where do they think they will get re-supplied from?  Right now, the West can't make enough for the pittance of an army that Ukraine has left.  How would they then supply the extra half-million NATO troops?  The ammunition simply isn't there anymore and the manufacturing base simply cannot make enough to supply an ongoing war effort.

None of these facts are in dispute. So why is the carnage continuing?



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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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