Mexican Cartels Preparing for "War" with US Military

Mexican Cartels Preparing for "War" with US Military

Cartels inside Mexico, which handle illicit drug smuggling and illicit human trafficking, are openly preparing for what they call "war" with the United States Military.

In a video released by the Cartels, dozens of heavily-armed, significantly-equipped Cartel "soldiers" say they're ready to do battle against the Armed Forces of the United States to protect their drug and human smuggling operations.

Here is one such video:

These seem to me, to be people who are dead already; they just don't know it.

In my personal view, the Cartels stand ZERO chance against the United States Armed Forces.  Not even one single sliver of hope do they have.

If President Trump gives the order to the US Military to take out the Cartels by force, I suspect the US will hit them so fast, so hard, in so many places at the same time, most of them will die so fast, they won't even know they're dead.

I trust the men and women of our Armed Forces.  This is their chance to FINALLY defend their own homeland. 

I look forward to hearing news of our victory.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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