UPDATE #3 - 11:57 AM EDT -- Nasrallah Speech: The More He Talks, the Less He says; this guy is NOT a "Leader"

UPDATE #3 -  11:57 AM EDT -- Nasrallah Speech: The More He Talks, the Less He says; this guy is NOT a "Leader"

The Hezbollah leader began his speech by saying that what prompted him to give it were the events of the past two days.

Nasrallah says he was planning to present his analysis and report of one-year of fighting on October 7, but what unfolded in the past 48 hours “demanded this message”.

The Hezbollah chief said he will divide his speech into three chapters: the ethical and humanitarian side of the past two days, the facts on the ground, and the general and political stance to be adopted after the recent developments.

He continued by offering his condolences to those who have fallen on the front in southern Lebanon and those who died as a result of the attacks in recent days and wishes speedy recoveries to those who have been injured.

Nasrallah also thanked doctors, officials, and everyone who helped in the treatment of victims of the attacks, including the people who donated blood.

One of the silver linings of the crisis of the past few days is the solidarity and unity experienced across the country, he continued.

Nasrallah said Israel crossed all restrictions and red lines by carrying out the coordinated attacks.

He added that some of the attacks took place in hospitals, pharmacies, marketplaces, commercial shops and even residential homes, private vehicles and public roads where thousands of civilians, including women and children, are present.

Nasrallah said Israel started its attack by targeting paging devices, knowing that there were more than 4,000 of them in use.

When these devices were donated, Israel tried to kill 4,000 people simultaneously as well as those in their vicinity, he charges.

The same was repeated on the second day with the aim being to kill thousands of people carrying radio devices, Nasrallah continued

Nasrallah called the attacks “a terrorist act” and a “massacre”.

He also said they were an act and a declaration of war against the people of Lebanon and the country’s sovereignty.

Nasrallah says many of the pagers were out of service, turned off, or stored away.

He repeated that Israel’s willful intent was to kill thousands of Lebanese people within minutes.

He then continued with more blah, blah, blah, nothing.

Hal Turner Analysis

The dead giveaway that this guy is NOT a "Leader" was when the Hezbollah chief said the group has formed a number of investigation committees examining various scenarios.

He says all details will be established without jumping to any conclusions.

Nasrallah admits the “unprecedented” attacks were a big security blow.

This part of his speech not only proved he is not a Leader, it gives rise to legitimate questions as to whether or not he is in-power specifically to CAUSE the destruction of his organization and its people?

He admitted what Israel did was "an act of war."  He admitted Israel "intended to kill thousands within minutes."  And then he says they've formed Committees to investigate without jumping to conclusions????????

What conclusions is he unable to draw?   His people were attacked. Blown up!   Killed.  Maimed . . .  by the hundreds.  And his solution is to "form committees?"

He has, in the past, repeatedly claimed Hezbollah has "tens-of-thousands of missiles" and even after the most heinous attack in history against his people and his country,  he doesn't use them?  

No.  This is theater.  This guy is a fraud.  

The people in Hezbollah who are following this man, thinking he will order a fight to take out the deadly enemy presently killing them, are being deceived by this guy to their own deaths.

Israel is massing troops, tanks, and armor, at Lebanon's border.  Israeli aircraft are, at this hour, bombing Lebanon.  And THIS guy forms committees.   Pathetic.

UPDATE 11:14 AM EDT --

I thought Nasrallah's speech was over.  I was wrong.  He merely ended the first part of the speech.  My mistake!

Nasrallah continued his speech, saying what whatever the consequences and the possibilities, the resistance in Lebanon will not stop supporting Gaza.

He also tells Israeli officials they will not be able to return displaced residents of northern Israel back to their areas.

Nasrallah vows that Hezbollah’s operations in southern Lebanon will not come to a halt until the Israeli war on Gaza comes to an end.

“The resistance in Lebanon will not stop supporting the resistance in Gaza, the West Bank and all the aggrieved,” he said, in translated remarks.

Nasrallah said senior Hezbollah officials do not carry models of pagers that exploded.

He also says what happened did not impact the group’s command, control or infrastructure.

“I reassure you our infrastructure has not been touched,” he said, in translated comments.

Nasrallah said the attacks did not shake Hezbollah’s faith, conviction and preparedness.

“On the contrary, this turned us more resolved, more robust and more adamant,” he said in translated remarks.

"If Israel’s objective was to separate Hezbollah from what it’s taking place in Gaza, then that’s failed" he said. "And if the goal was to drive a wedge among the Lebanese, that was also foiled" Nasrallah added.

Nasrallah reiterates the only path to bring the situation to a calm is for Israel to stop the war on Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

He also expresses hope that Israel will attempt to enter southern Lebanon, saying this will create a “historic opportunity” for Hezbollah.

“This will, no doubt, have dire consequences.”

(The speech is continuing, check back for more updates.)


UPDATE 11:45 AM EDT -- 

The Hezbollah leader continued by saying that Israel’s plans to create a border buffer zone [in Lebanon] will be a “trap”.

Nasrallah also says in his speech the attacks over the past two days will meet a “just punishment”.

He adds that the fighting has entered its most sensitive and precise stage.

(The speech is continuing, check back for updates.)

UPDATE 11:57 AM EDT -- 

More blah, blah blah, nothing.   I've tuned out. 

I think this guy is full of shit.  Not a leader; but rather a theater prop. 

I think he's being paid-off by the Israelis to do nothing, to stall, to make excuses, and all the while, Israel is moving into position for another land grab - this one much of southern Lebanon.

MAYBE I'M WRONG.  Let's just see if whatever is going to take place just coincidentally starts AFTER STOCK MARKETS CLOSE this Friday.    If it all waits until the markets close for the weekend, it's Theater. Scripted.  The deaths are all real, but they don't matter at all to the folks who write the script.


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