WITH INVASION "IMMINENT" Niger EXPELS Ambassadors from France, Germany, USA, Nigeria, and Côte d'Ivoire

WITH INVASION "IMMINENT" Niger EXPELS Ambassadors from France, Germany, USA, Nigeria, and Côte d'Ivoire

With military Invasion said to be "imminent" the military Junta that seized power in the country if Niger, has declared the Ambassadors of several countries as "persona non grata" and ordered they leave the country within 48 hours.   Expelled are the Ambassadors of France, Germany, the United States, Nigeria and Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast).

The general public of Niger has rallied in support of the military takeover, saying former President Bouzam was corrupt and harming the country.

France, in particular, is very sensitive to losing its control over Niger, which it colonized.  Niger is a rich source of Uranium, which France takes for nuclear power plants that supply seventy percent (70%) of the electricity in France.  Meanwhile, most of Niger has no electric and its population has said publicly they are forced to live like slaves.

In addition to Uranium, Niger is also rich in Diamonds, Gold, and oil, yet the general public lacks even running water in much of the country because while all those natural resources are going to the West, no investment is made in infra-structure that would improve the lives of citizens.

The Military Junta is developing close ties with Russia, and a detachment of Private Military Company (PMC) troops from Wagner PMC is in Niger to protect its Capital city from foreign aggression.


Forces from the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) are said to have fully completed preparations for military intervention in Niger.

About 12,000 military and hundreds of armored vehicles are reportedly ready to invade.

(France wants that Uranium)


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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