Pakistan EXPELS Iran Ambassador

After Iran fired ballistic missiles into Pakistan, to strike a terrorist group in Balochistan, south west Pakistan, The government of Pakistan has expelled the Iranian Ambassador.

"The Iranian ambassador to Pakistan who is currently visiting Iran, may not return for the time being. We have also decided to suspend all high-level visits which were ongoing or were planned between Pakistan and Iran in the coming days."

Iranian Defense Minister claims missile strikes on Pakistan were to defend themselves and threatens further attacks in the future: “We have the legitimate right to defend the sovereignty of our lands if we are exposed to a threat from any party.

Diplomacy is the priority, but we will take measures if we do not reach a result, as happened in the last operation. We will respond without a doubt if our national interests are exposed to any threat.”

Pakistan President: "The violation of our nation's sovereignty by foreign airstrikes is unacceptable. Such acts of aggression undermine the principles of international law and mutual respect between states."

This morning, Wednesday 7 January, There are claims of intense Iranian drone activity in the Pakistan border region. A significant presence of drones was reported above Saravan, Bempesht, and Mehrestan.


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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