Predictive Programming? Solar Eruption Can "Take Out the Internet for Weeks or Months"

Predictive Programming? Solar Eruption Can "Take Out the Internet for Weeks or Months"

The sudden appearance of "news stories" talking about Solar Eruptions that "can take out the Internet for weeks" leads many people to think they're going to do exactly that - on purpose -- to stop the flow of information.

What is described as an "Urgent warning over intense solar storms strong enough to cripple the world's internet for WEEKS" from NASA , which says we've hit the explosive peak in the sun's 11-year cycle.

Scientists have confirmed that solar maximum has officially arrived, and it could continue for the next 12 months. So while opportunities to see the aurora will ramp up, so too will the chance of a global internet blackout.

In a teleconference this week, NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Solar Cycle Prediction Panel confirmed that the sun has reached its solar maximum period, which could continue for the next year. 'During solar maximum, the number of sunspots, and therefore, the amount of solar activity, increases,' said Jamie Favors, director of NASA's space weather program

This morning, the world was also warned "INCREASING CHANCE OF FLARES: New sunspot 3856 has developed a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for strong explosions. NOAA forecasters estimate an 80% chance of M-class flares and a 20% chance of X-flares on Oct. 17th. The sunspot is directly facing Earth, so any flares will be geoeffective."


This sudden burst of talk about the Internet being "down" for weeks, is, to many observers, seeding a narrative; placing an excuse in the public mind, in advance, to cover-up what they're actually PLANNING to do.

It is VERY Interesting this warning is focused on Internet outage ... Not on Power outages that would have a worse outcome than "just internet."

So.. this is preparation for something that takes just the Internet out, not the rest of our vulnerable electric stuff??

Many people believe they are putting out these notices to "prime" the public for the Internet being taken down to stop the flow of information.

So what is it that they may want to stop the flow of information about?   World War 3, maybe?  Who caused it.  Who is _actually_ responsible.  And, of course, to shut down any flow about what should be done with such people . . . .

Or maybe they want communications stopped so no one can sound the alarm that they're ROUNDING PEOPLE UP and putting them in camps?  Think it can't happen?  Think again.  Below is video taken in Kursk, Russia showing Ukrainian Army troops grabbing CIVILIANS out of houses and literally THROWING THEM into trucks to take them to camps!

This video was taken THIS YEAR!!    So if you think this kind of thing "can't happen"  think again.

 Or maybe they don't want anyone to sound the alarm THEY'RE GOING HOUSE TO HOUSE TO SEIZE GUNS?

Bear in mind that many home telephones now use VoIP instead of copper landlines.  If the Internet goes down, the phones and faxes connected to the Internet by VoIP all go down too!  Also, the CELLULAR system makes use of Internet to route cell calls from tower to tower.  Cellular service could still have signal, but no way for the cell tower to actually connect the calls!

MAKE CERTAIN you are prepared with a CB or HAM radio (with antennas) that you can use for local communication.  If they take down the net, and the net takes down the phones and Cellphones, that means phones, faxes, and emails are all goneYou'd have NO COMMUNICATION with anyone.

At least if you have a CB in the house, with a small antenna on the roof, you can talk to others 3-5 miles away.  If you also put a CB in your family cars, you can talk to family as they are out-and-about doing what they need to do.

But if you do nothing, then you will be S.O.L. when this situation is foist upon all of us.

They're telling us these things for a reason.  They don't expect anyone to stop and realize the Internet has not been fried by a sunspot since its widespread inception in the 1990's.  There have been other Solar Maximums since then without a global outage, but you're not supposed to stop and realize that when they intentionally pull the plug NOW. 

Get prepared with communications gear.  DON'T WAIT.  

A little Cobra CB radio with AM//SSB is relatively cheap for your car(s).   A Wilson 1,000 mobile antenna with magnet mount (no drilling) or trunk lip mount (no drilling) is also cheap - and VERY reliable.   I use this antenna on my truck!

For the house, you can take a CB out of the car, hook it up to a 12 volt power supply or even a car battery, and run it in the house.  For a home antenna, you can grab a small antenna for $39 - $60 but you also need coaxial cable to run from the CB in the house, to the antenna outside.

DON'T WAIT.  Get something now because they're not saying this crap about the Internet being down for weeks or months, for no reason. There's skullduggery afoot.  Prepare ! ! ! !

It's clear to many  people they're going to shut off the Internet, and blame it on the sun.

P.S. I do not sell any of these things and have no financial interest at all in telling you to get these things.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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