UPDATED - 8:37 AM EST -- Putin CANCELS Decree about Moldova Sovereignty!

UPDATED - 8:37 AM EST -- Putin CANCELS Decree about Moldova Sovereignty!

President Vladimir Putin revoked on Tuesday a 2012 decree that in part underpinned Moldova's sovereignty in resolving the future of the Transdniestria region - a Moscow-backed separatist region which borders Ukraine and where Russia keeps troops.

The decree, which included a Moldova component, outlined Russia's foreign policy 11 years ago which assumed Moscow's closer relations with the European Union and the United States.

The order revoking the 2012 document was published on the Kremlin's website and states that the decision was taken to "ensure the national interests of Russia in connection with the profound changes taking place in international relations."

Moldova borders the southwest of . . .  Ukraine.  The map below shows it:

The Transdniestria Region is a small sliver of land at the far eastern edge of Moldova, bordering Ukraine.  Transdniestria appears in Yellow on the fixed map below:

The Russian-speakers of Transdniestria seceded from Moldova in 1990, one year before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, amid fears that Moldova would merge with Romania, whose language and culture it broadly shares.

A brief war pitted newly independent Moldova against the separatists in 1992. But there has been virtually no violence in the past 30 years, with Russian "peacekeepers" still posted in the tiny sliver of land, which has no international recognition.

Moldova's foreign ministry said it would "carefully study" the document.

Russian peacekeeping troops have been in Transdniestra region for decades.  Now, it appears Russia is going to begin adding troops there, so they can move against far southwestern Ukraine, and its major port city, Odessa.

With troops already having a foothold in Transdniestra, building up troops to commence moves into southwestern Ukraine will be simple.  If this takes place - and it appears it is going to - then "Ukraine" will be totally cut-off from the entire Black Sea.

NATO is already going berzerk over this.   Prior to the start of Russia's Special Military Operation (SMO), Ukraine had entered into a Lease agreement with NATO/ US to put a Naval Base there!  

When Russia takes that area of Ukraine, NATO's naval base is never going to be built. 

Without a "home port" inside the Black Sea, Naval vessels from NATO can be blocked by Turkey from transiting the Bosporus Strait, into and out of the Black Sea, if war erupts.   The Montreux Convention on the Straits, the treaty which governs the Bosporus and Dardanelles thru Istanbul into and out of the Black Sea,  makes clear that in war, vessels from belligerent nations WITHOUT a home port in the Black Sea, can be barred from transiting the strait.

Media outlets in the US and Europe have been propagandizing the general public for months about the Russia-Ukraine situation.  Those media outlets have been insisting that:

  • Russia is running out of missiles.
  • Russia is running out of tanks.
  • Russia is running out of troops.

They have also propagandized that Russian President Vladimir Putin is sick with:

  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Alzheimer's Disease

ALL OF THOSE CLAIMS HAVE BEEN FALSE.  They are made-up out of whole cloth, usually by British MI-6 which is trying to paint Ukraine as having any chance at all of prevailing against Russia.   Ukraine has no chance at all.  They never did.  Ukraine lost the moment Russian troops crossed their border.

If/When More Russian troops start massing in Transdniestria Region, the entire southwest of Ukraine will be liberated from the Kiev Nazi regime. Ukraine will be cut-off from the Black Sea.  NATO won't get its Naval Base, and Russia wins.

. . . Unless NATO finds some excuse to physically enter Ukraine -- and then . . . . it's World War 3.


Moldova’s Prime Minister Dorin Recean has said he believes Russia is planning on capturing the airport in Chișinău in order to fly in Russian military reinforcements.

President Zelensky stated today that Ukraine believes such a plan is in the works as well.  Ukraine is now moving its troops to the border with Moldova (Transdniestra).  Photo below:


*** FLASH ***

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov has said Moldova is likely to face the same fate as Ukraine. A video shared on twitter by Ukrainian news outlet Nexta TV suggests the foreign minister saying that “now Moldova is” also being considered for this role”.


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