Reports have been coming in all morning here in the US eastern time zone CLAIMING an Israeli ground invasion of the Gaza Strip is "imminent" and will allegedly begin tonight. 

In preparation for that, and knowing that Hezbollah in Lebanon has announced they will enter the war if such an invasion begins, Israel is now ALLEGEDLY firing massive volleys of artillery into southern Lebanon.

This is a developing story and THIS story will have live updates as events unfold today.  THIS is the story to cover the live events.

Check back; update times will appear in the story title . . . 


UPDATE 11:16 AM EDT --

US warships heading to Israel will join the fight in case war erupts on multiple fronts, IDF spokesman says (via );

The Israeli Defense Force stated today that the United States has Advised them that U.S. Naval Vessels and Aircraft from Carrier Strike Group 12 which will soon be in the Eastern Mediterranean are prepared to assist with Combat Operations alongside Israel if a Multifront War against Hezbollah or other Regional Actors occurs.

The Israeli Air Force has been airlifting hundreds of soldiers from vacations and residences overseas, back to Israel, to join the war.

Reports indicate that an airstrike, believed to have been carried out by Israel, has struck an Iranian weapons convoy as it was crossing from Iraq into Syria near the al-Qaim/Bukamal border.

If Israel is now striking IRANIAN convoys inside Iraq and Syria, then it is ISRAEL that is escalating the conflict which will CAUSE other countries to enter the conflict.  Israel cannot simply attack anyone it wants in other countries, and somehow CLAIM it is "self-defense."

Admittedly, there is a real question as to WHO conducted the air strike.   RUMOR (unconfirmed) claims it was fighter jets from the US Aircraft Carrier Strike Group approaching in the Mediterranean.  The US needs to be asked by media at the Pentagon/White House, WHOSE jet(s) conducted that strike?   Was it the US?

HT REMARK:  Now that Israel knows the US will enter the war if it becomes "multi-front" Israel seems to be exploiting that US commitment, to intentionally CAUSE the fight to become a multi-front war.

The US needs to reign-in Israel, lest we allow them and their temper tantrum/spoiled-self-indulgences to get US into a war. 

It is important to point out this temper tantrum/spoiled self-indulgence.  Just yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on TV, if Hezbollah (in Lebanon) joins the fight in Israel, that "The IDF will destroy Damascus (Syria) and target Syrian President Bashar Assad."   

What the hell does Hezbollah in Lebanon have to do with Bashar Assad in Syria and why would it involve destroying the city of Damascus, Syria which hasn't done anything?

There seems to be this idea within Israel they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, to whomever they want.  That, is not reality.  Oh, and if it actually, somehow, __is__ reality, then that reality must be brought to an end.


UPDATE 11:30 AM EDT -- 

-- The Israeli Government has Approved a request by Defense Minister Gallant on the Call-Up of 60,000 additional Reservists bringing the Total to 360,000.

 -- White House's Kirby: There Is No Intention to Put U.S. Boots on Ground After Israel Attack.

 -- Dozens of Israeli Air Force jets bombing Gaza every 4 hours, IDF says; thousands of targets hit so far.

 -- The IDF has stated that they now consider the Gaza Strip a “War Zone.”


-- Gaza's medical supplies will run out in a few days, the head of the enclave's health ministry said: "Today we consume in one day what we usually consume in a month."

-- #Hamas said the attack on #Israel had been planned for more than a year;


 UPDATE 11:50 AM EDT --

The total siege of Gaza is “prohibited” under international law, the UN says.


UPDATE 12:05 PM EDT --

IDF: “We call on all residents of Gaza to immediately flee to Egypt.”   

(HT Remark: How does the IDF expect them to leave when the Rafah Border Crossing is still closed?   Further, there are 2.3 MILLION people in Gaza; how does IDF expect them all to get through the Rafah crossing "immediately?"  Lastly, the fact that the IDF called on "all" residents to flee seems to indicate a Ground War into Gaza is coming and no one will be safe from it.   So how does this work?  How do you tell 2.3 Million people to flee immediately, when the way out is closed, yet you still plan on an invasion within, perhaps hours?  This looks like genocide in the making.)


-- VLADIMIR PUTIN: “We need to implement the decision of the UN Security Council on the creation of an independent sovereign Palestinian state.”


***** FLASH *****

Israeli Forces are now bombing the towns of Zabqin, Al-Qalila, and Al-Haniya, east of the city of Tyre, Lebanon. Reports of multiple casualties.

UNIFIL forces sound sirens at their centers in southern Lebanon, telling staff and UN Troops to take shelter.




UPDATE 12:50 PM EDT --

The Houthi Movement in Yemen has announced that if the United States decides to Intervene in Israel the Houthis will be forced to launch Missiles against Israeli Territory.


-- US State Department: We call on American citizens to avoid traveling to the Lebanese-Israeli border area


UPDATE 2:37 PM EDT -- 

Israeli tanks are now firing upon Hezbollah outposts along the border in Southern Lebanon; Israeli fighter jets are now over Lebanon's capital city.  

 The Israel Defense Forces says its tanks struck two Hezbollah observation posts in response to rockets fired from Lebanon.


 Al-Qassam brigades Warns Israel If you continue to hit civilians, we will use the "TUFAN" missile, which we have never used before.

 White Phosphorous?


***** FLASH *****

U.S. Weighs Deploying Second Aircraft Carrier Group to Israeli region.

-- Borrell: The European Union rejects Israel's imposition of a severe blockade on Gaza


Lines Being Drawn in Civil Societies . . .

and others in support of Israel:

With the public engaging like this on BOTH sides, I fear this thing going on in Israel is going to cause troubles in countries around the world.


-UNRWA reports that 88 schools administered by the United Nations organization in Gaza have been transformed into emergency shelters, providing a safe haven for approximately 177,000 individuals who have sought refuge under the protective UN banner.


-- Israeli forces getting ready for GROUND INVASION of Gaza as Israel's Defense Minister says they are heading toward a comprehensive attack on Gaza. He said it will be worst Hamas has ever seen till today, & they will not be alive to see more worse in future



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-- Netanyahu talked to Biden today, preparing him for a long-ground invasion. Biden said, "I will not ask Israel to show restraint."

-- Defense Minister Gallant said, "I have pulled all the stops, and we are moving to a full-on attack." 



-- Reports of Israeli air strikes on targets in Daraa, Syria.


-- Senior Iraqi and Yemeni leaders aligned with Iran and in charge of heavily armed groups have threatened to target U.S. targets if Washington intervenes to support Israel in its conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

-- Kata'ib Hezbollah of Iraq says our missiles will be directed toward American bases in Iraq if the US intervened in the battle in occupied Palestine






In direct action against Israel, the Egyptian President orders a huge humanitarian convoy to Gaza, even after Israel has bombed the Rafah crossing.

The President went on to say "The Crossing will open when the convoy arrives. We will see if Israel really bombs the aid convoy, as they promised."

 The only organization in Egypt capable of amassing a humanitarian convoy on the same scale we saw in Libya is the Egyptian Armed Forces, with cooperation of the Red Crescent and Civil protection.

This is a government convoy, with government employees, going into Gaza.  If Israel bombs it, this is a direct act of war against Egyptian institutions.

Egypt is now calling Israel's bluff, daring the Israelis to attack it.

Said one Egyptian military officer "Israel can barely handle an organization like HAMAS with 3,000 soldiers.  What will they do facing an army with 1 million?






The Greek Navy has reportedly been placed into a Heightened State of Readiness with the Greek Hydra-Class Frigate “Psara” being Deployed alongside Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 to the Eastern Mediterranean for Operations alongside the USS Gerald R. Ford Aircraft Carrier



For all the latest developments in this historic situation, tune-in to The Hal Turner Radio Show tonight at 9:00 PM Eastern US time which is GMT -0400.  Set a reminder or an alarm in your cellphone to tune-in!

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