Russian Missile Strike Unleashes CHLORINE GAS CLOUD - Heading Toward (NATO Member) Poland

Russian Missile Strike Unleashes CHLORINE GAS CLOUD - Heading Toward (NATO Member) Poland

Russia has struck a warehouse in Ternopil, Ukraine which was storing Ukraine Military Weapons including missiles. Apparently there was also a large store of liquid Chlorine, which is now leaking, creating a Chlorine gas cloud.

The gas cloud is being carried by prevailing winds to the west / northwest.   It has already traveled about 150km toward the Ukrainian city of Liviv.  Once is passes LVIV, next stop: Poland.

NATO long ago made clear that if Russia utilized nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and fallout reached a NATO country, NATO would consider the fallout "an attack" and enter the Ukraine war.

Now, we have the chemical Chlorine, in an uncontrollable gas cloud, moving west / northwest toward LVIV and thereafter, Poland.  What will NATO do?

So far, the prevailing winds are keeping the gas cloud well aloft; several hundred feet above ground level.  There are NO REPORTS of any persons on the ground bing injured or killed by the gas.  There is, however, a plethora of reports from the ground of a distinct Chlorine odor, and people in LVIV and elsewhere are being told to remain indoors, and do not go out especially if it rains.

Again, though, what will NATO do?


Hal Turner Analysis

NATO has been looking for an excuse . . .  ANY excuse . . .  to enter the Ukraine war.  Will this be the incident they use as an excuse to enter?

None of us know.

If NATO declares the Chlorine gas leak to be "an attack" and declares Article 5 (Collective Self Defense) via the NATO Treaty, Russia has already made clear the result: "A war no one will win."

So as we go about our daily lives, and take care of all the mundane things we do each day, a Chlorine Gas cloud is floating west toward Poland.  Sitting there waiting for it is NATO.

This could be the worst night of all our lives. Especially if prevailing winds bring that cloud to the ground, and people start dying from it.


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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