Russian State Duma Member: You can't Save America. There will be NO ELECTION in 2024 because America will not exist

Russian State Duma Member: You can't Save America. There will be NO ELECTION in 2024 because America will not exist

Russian Vladimir Zhirinovsky, in his final speech to the Russian Duma said "There won't be an election in 2024 because America won't exist."  This was the same speech where he predicted -- to the day -- when Russia would enter Ukraine!

This speech was given over two years ago and no one thought anything of it, because Zhirinovsky was rather . . . bellicose.  He died in April 2022, months after this speech.

With his amazing declaration about Russia entering Ukraine having been so accurate, his prediction about America is more than a bit disconcerting.

Here is the part of his speech to the Russian State Duma - their equivalent to our House of Representatives - wherein he speaks about America:

Given what's now taking place at the Texas Border, wherein Texas has had to seize a portion of their land back from the federal government to stem the flow of millions of illegal aliens, and wherein the Biden Regime has given Texas an "ultimatum" to allow federal agents back in "or face the consequences" it seems entirely possible that actual Civil War may break out very soon over this.

Civil War ___could__ end up being "no America" anymore.


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This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


Radio Station Info

The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

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WWCR Freq. 7520 KHz



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