Single, UN-CONFIRMED, Report . . .

Single, UN-CONFIRMED, Report . . .

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There is now a single, UN-CONFIRMED, report saying the country of Turkey is sending troops and armor into Ukraine via the Black Sea, so as to act as "Peace-Keepers."

This is ALLEGEDLY a non-NATO move by Turkey, and is being done WITHOUT the approval of Russia.

If Turkish Troops are in Ukraine without Russian permission, and they come under attack, does that bring Turkey into the war on the side of Ukraine?

If Turkish troops try to tell the Russian Army "You can't go here, or you can't go there" and the Russians ignore them,  will the Turks open fire upon the Russians?

It was just yesterday that Russian President Putin gave a brief speech in which he warned NATO countries (one of whom is Turkey) that war with NATO would be very different that the Special Military Operation Russia is conducting in Ukraine.

Putin specifically used the phrase ". . . an apocalypse."

I was completely unable to get any inside Intel regarding that Putin statement and had no idea until this moment, that Turkey might be sending troops of its own into Ukraine.

Again, this SINGLE REPORT that Turkey is sending troops into Ukraine is UNCONFIRMED.   REPEAT: NOT CONFIRMED.  

Head -on-a-swivel if this is true.




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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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