Six Ballots and Still No Speaker of the House . . .

Six Ballots and Still No Speaker of the House . . .

Yesterday, Wednesday, January 4, the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC, conducted three more Ballots to try to elect a new Speaker.  The main candidate, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) failed all three times to obtain the required 218 votes. That was day two of balloting.  The previous day, Tuesday, January 3, McCarthy failed the first three Ballots.  Twenty or so "hold-out" Republicans will not vote to seat McCarthy as Speaker.  He has failed a total of SIX Ballots. I wondered why?

Callers to my radio show last night gave the reasons as they see it:

McCarthy, said one caller, has connections to the World Economic Forum (WEF), a Communistic group that has been pushing the mantra "You will own nothing and be happy" as their vision of the future for people on earth, as shown in their video below:

Schwab himself has very awkward sensibilities; look at how he dressed to give a speech:

And this outfit does not seem to be a one-off aberration.  He appears to have it in several colors:

Some folks see this as some type of evil villain from perhaps a James Bond movie!

But getting directly to the crux of it, one need only look at the photo below of Schwab in his home study; with a bust of Vladimir Lenin on his bookshelf:

Lenin, as most folks, was one of the chief architects of Soviet Communism during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, and the system he imposed by force on Russia, proved to be a crime against humanity!  It proved to be so horrific, that the Soviet Union imploded on itself and dissolved in 1991.  Why Klaus Schwab would idolize such a man and such a system does raise all sorts of alarms in the heads of most thinking people.  No one wants a repeat of Soviet Communism and we certainly don't want it here, in America.

So folks are asking themselves why Kevin McCarthy allowed himself to be touted as a "Young Global Leader" of the WEF, and even authorized a web page for himself on the WEF web site?!?!?! (HERE) 

That same caller to the Hal Turner Radio Show asked rhetorically "Can you ever trust a Communist?"  The answer, of course, was "no."

Other callers to the radio show added similar complaints.

So here we are, on the 5th of January, and Kevin McCarthy has failed six ballots for Speaker . . . and yet does not drop-out of the running.   That begs the question: Why?  Is he so craven for power that he will not accept he cannot get the votes?

Do we really want a man as Speaker of the House who appears to some, to be so craven for power?

Of course, it must also be pointed out that McCarthy does have the votes of two hundred other Republicans, while just twenty object to him.  So he DOES have support.

Yet, what does it say about those two hundred other Republicans, that they persist in an effort to seat a man who clearly cannot win the required support?   Are those two hundred Republicans out of touch?  Or, is it possible they are "the Swamp" that Washington, Dc is sometimes called?

Is the "Swamp" so infested that two hundred Republicans are compromised by it?

There is word of a possible "deal" between McCarthy and . . .  Democrats.   This is only RUMOR.   

The RUMOR is that Democrats have offered to have twenty of their members change votes and give them to McCarthy, on the condition that those Democrats are rewarded with Chairmanships of committees by McCarthy, once he is seated as Speaker.

If that takes place, it would effectively neutralize the Republican majority and would effectively keep Congress as being under Democrat control.

Will McCarthy make such a deal with Democrats?  

We may get to see.




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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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