Stock Markets ALL Down in "Futures" after Tariffs Applied - Canada & Mexico Face Actual COLLAPSE

Stock Markets ALL Down in "Futures" after Tariffs Applied - Canada & Mexico Face Actual COLLAPSE

The application of Tariffs on Saturday, February 1, by President Trump, against Canada, Mexico, and China are affecting Stock Markets.  All indices are DOWN in late Sunday evening Trading.

Hal Turner Personal Opinions

Canada and Mexico say they will retaliate.   Perhaps they will.   I saw a meme about that online and  the imagery makes the point:

That's it in a nutshell.

This was so easy for both Canada and Mexico to avoid.  All they had to do was put a stop to the illegal drugs, like Fentanyl, crossing their borders into the United States.  The only other issue was Illegal immigration; both those countries needed to stop the flow of illegal aliens from their country into ours.

Instead of realizing the US was serious, both Canada and Mexico thought they could leave things as they are.  They thought wrong.

Investors, Too

Investors seem shocked that President Trump made good on his promise to implement Tariffs.  They shouldn't be shocked - he's not the typical phony politician . . . .  he actually DOES what he says he's going to do.

There's no "posturing" by this man or his Administration.  He has no additional term of office to think about, worry about, or plan for.  THIS is his one, final, chance to fix what's become broken inside the United States and in the way we deal with foreign countries who are harming us -- and he's doing it.  ALL of it.  Right away.

Is this causing some turmoil? Yes.  Some chaos?  Yes.


Because the ENTIRETY of the United States Federal Government thought like Canada and Mexico - "it's just posturing."

Worse, very many employees in that US federal government thought that THEY ran the country, and a President was just someone passing through.   That idea was just dealt a quick death blow.

Assistant US Attorneys - fired.   5 out of 6 Executive Assistant FBI Directors - fired.  National Labor Relations Board members - fired.  26 out of 53 FBI Special Agents in charge - fired.  51 Retired Intel Officials who mis-used their reputations to involve themselves politically - Security Clearances REVOKED and ability to enter secure facilities UN-ESCORTED - revoked.

"Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI)" Ripped-out root and branch.

"The Green New Deal" - over

The Paris Climate Accord - Canceled for USA

The list goes on and on.  

Maybe Investors would do well to get out of whatever echo chamber they've been hanging around in, and realize things are very, VERY different in the United States now.  The American people have had quite enough of the way things have been, and they voted-in change.  BIG CHANGE.

We have an __actual__ President again.  Not some illegitimate President like Biden who got into office through rampant, brazen, Ballot Fraud;  Rubber-stamped by two corrupt Houses of Congress, and protected from scrutiny by more corrupt federal Judges, who dismissed lawsuits before they even got to the evidentiary phase.

No.  All that nonsense is over.

It seems to me as an outside observer who has no power to influence the Tariff situation at all, that maybe Canada and Mexico should stop trying to fight a force they cannot fight, and instead cooperate.


Because while the US Economy may take a hit; the economies of Canada and Mexico will likely see utter economic catastrophe.

D E P R E S S I O N.

Closed businesses, empty store shelves, food lines, then maybe riots, Commercial real estate defaults, then home mortgage defaults, then stock market collapse, then banking collapse.  Oh, and maybe now would be a good time for Canada to recount how many REFINERIES they have to make Diesel Fuel and Gasoline? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After that . . .  who knows?  What if Canada becomes sort of like Ukraine back in the year 2014?  Riots. Collapsed government? Internal combat?  Their neighbor to the south may have to send in troops to take control of the situation . . . . .

Canada is, after all, in serious trouble from Justin Trudeau, which is why he had to resign.  Maybe they ought to expedite his replacement - fast.

And Mexico, well, close your northern border to the Drug Cartels and the immigration hordes. Fast.

What if Mexico becomes sort of like . . . . Ukraine in the year 2014 . . . . Maybe their northern neighbor might have to send troops to take control and calm things down?

Cooperation and speedy compliance is the only hope for Canada and Mexico.  The only question seems to be whether or not their Ego will cause them to fight a battle they cannot win, or whether good neighborliness and common sense will win the day in those countries.

Investors may want to chew on that for awhile.  But not too long.  Economic Catastrophes of this magnitude seem to come at high speed. 

Maybe investments in Canada and Mexico aren't such a smart idea right now?



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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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