UPDATED 3:58 PM EDT -- IT'S OFFICIAL: Nigeria Is Deploying Troops To Niger To Restore Order

UPDATED 3:58 PM EDT -- IT'S OFFICIAL: Nigeria Is Deploying Troops To Niger To Restore Order

Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) has announced its member states are mobilizing their armed forces and will use them to “restore constitutional order in Niger.” Nigeria has decided to intervene.

ECOWAS’ Omar Alieu Touray made the declaration earlier, at the ECOWAS extraordinary meeting in Abuja, today. 

The video below shows the actual Order to deploy troops:

Nigeria has one of the largest militaries in West Africa and they are the first member of ECOWAS to deploy troops.

ECOWAS also called on African Union, AU, partner countries and institutions to support the resolution taken by ECOWAS (to restore constitutional order in Niger by force.)

ECOWAS said all efforts made to dialogue with Niger Republic’s military junta have been “defiantly rejected by the coup leaders,” and that they condemn the continuous detention of the ousted former president of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum and his family members.

Part of the ECOWAS resolution reads: “Direct the committee of the Chief of Defense Staff to activate the ECOWAS Stand-by force with all its elements immediately. Order the deployment of the ECOWAS stand-by force to restore constitutional order in the Republic of Niger.”

So, war is here and this is for real. 

We now officially have a new front in the lead up to World War 3!

This is sad. For the civilians, and for Europe!

This will trigger a tsunami of boat tourists, if you know what I mean.

For a COMPLETE background on how this situation developed and why it is an ACTUAL "Proxy-War#2" against Russia, CLICK HERE



The revolutionary government of Niger informed U.S. Under-Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, that they will kill the former President of Niger if an invasion is launched in their country.


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