The Simple Beauty of God's Creation Gives Me Peace

The Simple Beauty of God's Creation Gives Me Peace

With all the tumult going on in our world, and me in the "thick-of-it" through my news coverage day-in, day-out, it was nice yesterday to take a moment and stop to see the __real__ world I live in.  Thank you, God.

This is the view from my living room window here in Pennsylvania on Saturday morning, October 21, 2023.

Every once in awhile it's good to just STOP and look around at what God has given us.   It brings peace to my soul.

I tend to get so caught-up in what's going on all over the world, that I find myself not paying attention to what's going on around . . . . ME!

Despite all the killing and bombing, death and destruction happening in the Middle East,  __my__ world is beautiful!

Look at the simple beauty of it:

Down the creek are a pair of nesting Bald Eagles.  HUGE, magnificent, birds.  Must have wing spans 6 to 8 feet each.  Really majestic.  They fly up the creek in the morning looking for fish; then usually 5 or 10 minutes later, they fly back, fish in their Talons.

They nest somewhere down here, on the left side of the creek:

There are Deer roaming free, that once in awhile cross my property lower level along the creek.

Foxes.  Coyotes, Bobcats, too, but they are very rare.

Rabbits made a nest in the tall grass behind one of my storage sheds.  They high-tailed it away when the landscapers weed-whacked back there.

Across the creek to the left is a horse farm.  When those horses get to galloping during the day, you can hear their hooves thumping the ground.

Gentle breezes come down the valley between the mountain across the creek, and the other mountain across the road from my house.

MY world up here in northeast Pennsylvania is beautiful.  Peaceful.  Quiet.  Safe.

A far cry from the hustle and bustle of my other home in New  Jersey.   And orders of magnitude better than what's going on in Gaza and Ukraine.

It felt good to take some time yesterday and pay attention to MY world instead of THE world.




This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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