“The West does not want to avoid escalation. The West is looking for trouble. Western countries are like small children playing with matches.” — Lavrov

“The West does not want to avoid escalation. The West is looking for trouble. Western countries are like small children playing with matches.” — Lavrov

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, again warned the United States and the West that they are "playing with fire" - and specifically mentions nuclear weapons - as they encourage Ukraine to invade Russia.

Below, in video with English sub-titles Lavrov tells reporters "The West does not want to avoid escalation. The West is looking for trouble. Western countries are like small children playing with matches.”  He specifically references people doing this when nuclear weapons are involved:

So that readers are aware that Lavrov did not mis-speak, he reiterated his remarks at a full blown press conference:

In the second clip above, Lavrov makes clear Russia is viewing developments in Ukraine as having potential for "World War 3"if the US and NATO continue causing Ukraine to escalate,   Americans THINK they're safe across the ocean, [but they're not].

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Ukraine is collapsing.  The Russians are making very significant gains in territory and Ukraine is running out of weapons and ammunition.

Deputy Chairman Chernev of Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence  said publicly yesterday "Ukraine does not count on new arms supplies from the Biden administration. Kiev should focus on those who will be in the Harris administration if she wins."

Last week, Germany made clear they will not be providing more weapons to Ukraine after revelations that Ukraine was involved in the bombing of the Nordstream Pipeline.  That bombing cut-off Russian natural gas flows to Germany, which in turn, ruined Germany's Industrial production.  Skyrocketing energy costs have made it impossible for German Industry to continue, and upwards of forty percent (40%) of German Industry is now either actually Bankrupt, or heading into Bankruptcy.

Yesterday, the Minister of National Defense of Poland, stated publicly "Poland no longer has weapons that it could transfer to Ukraine."

So it appears the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is at its most crucial moment; WIthout supplies, Ukraine cannot fight, and so they are entering Russia via the Kursk Invasion, and last night, began entering Belgorod, Russia as another point of invasion.

It thus seems that Ukraine is deliberately escalating to cause . . . .  something . . . . to take place that causes NATO to actually enter the conflict and begin fighting Russia.

Apparently, to that end, former President Volodymyr Zelensky, whose Presidential Term of Office expired in May, publicly stated "Ukraine has developed new ballistic missiles which will destroy something important in Moscow. Then, Ukraine will issue an ultimatum "Leave Ukraine or we will destroy Moscow and St. Petersburg."

Intelligence sources confirm Ukraine has tested its first domestically produced ballistic missile. It’s most likely the Hrim-2 project, a missile with a range of "over 700 km," making it possible for Ukraine to strike Moscow.  Previously, Ukraine could only reach Moscow with small drones.

Ukraine striking Moscow and/or St. Petersburg is just the type of "Hail Mary" escalation that could ignite a ferocious Russian response and be the spark that ignites World War 3.

Adding fuel to that potential fire was the British.   The London Telegraph newspaper reported yesterday "The UK supports Kiev's use of Storm Shadow missiles for strikes on Russian territory, but will not publicly call for this step due to fears that it will provoke a quarrel with the United States."  So the British are openly making clear they support Ukraine strikes deep into Russia.


But the real trouble came without warning yesterday: Ukraine struck a Russian oil refinery 1100km from Ukraine.  They used four (4) NATO-supplied drones, and word is out that "these drones were guided by NATO Satellites and NATO guidance."   

In addition - and most dangerous - US PROVIDED UKRAINE WITH SATELLITE IMAGES OF RUSSIA'S KURSK REGION for their invasion into Russia!

The U.S. has been supplying Ukraine with satellite imagery of Russia's Kursk region since the start of Ukraine's offensive, according to Frank Whitworth, Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

Speaking at the Intelligence and National Security Summit, Whitworth mentioned the use of a portal called G-EGD to share "commercial" imagery.

The New York Times reported that both the U.S. and UK have been providing satellite data and other intelligence to aid Ukraine's campaign in Kursk.

Of course NATO says - and has said - they are not a party to the conflict.  Clearly that's not the case when NATO is providing satellite control and satellite guidance to hit targes inside Russia.

As such, the Russians would be within their rights to strike NATO Headquarters in Brussel Belgium, and wipe that NAZI-infested garbage dump off the face of the planet. Oh, you didn't know NATO is NAZI infested?   Read on . . . 

For those who may be unaware, below is a short listing of the actual German NAZI's who went to lead NATO after World War 2:

Lest you think "that was all a long time ago," and are under the misimpression NATO no longer has anything to do with NAZIS, look at their Headquarters Building:

Seems "normal" to you, right?   Now look at it from the top:

The entire building is constructed to be in the shape of NAZI  "SS" Lightning Bolts!

Here's what the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says about the "SS" lightning bolts:

NATO doesn't even HIDE it!

Lastly, with Ukraine having invaded into Russia two or so weeks ago, Russia has been invaded for the first time since 1945!! NATO and Ukrainian forces are secretly calling this incursion into Russian territory Operation Barbarossa 2, the successor to the Nazi German invasion of Russia on June 22, 1941!!

This historical perspective, and present-day reality gives you insight as to why NATO and the collective West have been TRYING to start a massive war to get Russia to collapse: They're re-fighting the World War 2 Battle between the German NAZIs and then-Soviet Union!

The NAZIS killed twenty-seven million Russians in World War 2 and still it was the Red Army from the then-Soviet Union that stormed Berlin in World War 2 and brought the NAZIS down.  The NAZIS never forgave the Russians for defeating them.

It seems they want a "Do-Over." and the Ukraine conflict is the method they intend to use to get their "Do-Over."

Every time a NATO member country soldier walks into NATO Headquarters, he's walking into NAZI central!  He just doesn't know it because the mass media has concealed these facts for decades!

The mass media in the West is dismally derelict in its duty to report these statements by Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov (above) and these developments - Ukraine bombings deep into Russia with NATO Satellite control -- to their general public.   As such, people in Europe and in America have no idea AT ALL, we are perilously close to an actual, nuclear, world war 3.

Given the fact that the US is now $35 TRILLION in debt, and that debt is now growing by $1 TRILLION more every 100 days or so, it is now mathematically impossible for the United States to financially survive.

As such, they NEED a massive war to blame the coming financial collapse on.  They can't allow the collapse to happen in a manner where THEY get blamed; they have to have some other excuse to point-to . . . . and nuclear war is the only solution that fits their need.

Moreover, once our cities are smashed and our people are killed in such a war, the politicians who caused all this by over-spending for decades, think they'll get to slither out of their nuclear bunkers, and tell the Bankers "Our cities are smashed, our people are dead, there's no way we can repay you, we need debt forgiveness."  And they actually think they'll still be able to be in-power once they get tens of millions of us killed!

Between what the politicians have done, and are doing in Ukraine against Russia, and what they have done and are doing with Bankrupting the United States, there is simply no possibility they WON'T cause World War 3 because they NEED us dead to ask for debt forgiveness.

The mass media is utterly failing to report __any__ of this to the general public and as such, millions of us are being setup to be killed in a nuclear war that our own elected officials intentionally set up to get THEMSELVES out of the trouble they've caused, but our people don't know it because the media is bought-and-paid-for by the politicians doing all these things.

I have now told you the truth.  You'd better be ready because, by most accounting, this thing has to kick off before the November elections.  The powers-that-be know if Trump wins, ALL their plans for war to get out of debt, will be thwarted.  Why do you think they tried to kill him?

Of course, the mass media did report that the Shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, used encrypted communications programs with connections in Germany, Belgium and New Zealand, but what they DIDN'T TELL YOU, was that the Belgium encrypted comms, used a server at . . . . NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.  GEE. What a coincidence. . . . . .

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