UPDATED 11:15 AM Sunday --- Thursday, 08 August 2024 - I AM ON VACATION. No News Updates, No live shows until Next Thursday, August 15.

UPDATED 11:15 AM Sunday ---   Thursday, 08 August 2024 - I AM ON VACATION.  No News Updates, No live shows until Next Thursday, August 15.

  I AM ON VACATION.     I have not had a vacation since before June, 2009.   A month ago, I realized that if I don't get away from this, I'm going to drop dead from stress.   I booked a one week vacation at the beach.  Of course, a Hurricane decided to wreck the weather along the east coast, so I already know the first couple days are going to be crap, but I HAVE to get away and relax.

There will be NO LIVE SHOWS.  NO LIVE AUDIO FEEDS.  The Shortwave stations will broadcast repeats.

I expect to be back Next Thursday, August 15.



UPDATE -- SATURDAY AUG 10  at 9:34 AM EDT --

We arrived at the shore on Thursday afternoon around 3:30.   As expected, coastal weather was not so good on account of the remnants of Hurricane Debbie that came ashore in Florida and was now working her way north.

Because the Hurricane had moved inland, we on the coast were not going to get a lot of wind or rain where we are, but the cloud cover was significant, and there were bouts of rain.  There was sustained wind here about 20-25 MPH, but no big deal.

We checked into the hotel; the room is terrific:

Opposite this main living area is a small kitchen:


Below is the main bedroom:

Main Bathroom:

Second Bedroom:

Second bathroom:

Out the sliding glass doors and to the right is our own private deck!

Here's the view from the rear of the deck . . .  I loved the hammock!

Looking due east from the deck is the beach and the ocean.   As I said earlier, we expected a little weather because of the coming remnants of hurricane Debbie, but while it was overcast and windy, it was still beautiful:

Looking due south:

This was our first day weather. 

We ate out at a nice restaurant we've known for years, $139 plus tip.  Came back to the room and went to sleep.

Yesterday, Friday, was much the same although the wind picked-up to 30-35 MPH and we got several bouts of rain.  We went up to the Boardwalk to grab lunch -- pizza.   6 Slices and three coca-colas , , , , $24.    Yes, twenty four dollars for 6 slices of pizza and three coca-colas!

We ordered out as dinner.  The place delivered.   1 Roast beef Hoagie for the wife, one Jalapenos Chicken poppers, and one Stromboli for son, 1 Cheese Steak for me....... $69.

Went onto the Boardwalk around 10:00 last night, very sparse crowds.  Unusual for a Friday night, but everyone knew the weather was "iffy" so they probably stayed away this weekend.

Stopped at Kohrs Brothers to get ice cream (Custard) cones.  One large vanilla, one small, both with chocolate sprinkles . . . . . $15.    FOR TWO ICE CREAM CONES!

It is EXPENSIVE to eat !!!!!!!

THIS MORNING . . . . . There was early morning fog, which burned off in about an hour, and it is going to be utterly BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!  The wind is gone, there are only a few white clouds, crystal clear blue sky and the sun is already intense at 9:19 AM.

As a side note, I have not looked at the news since Wednesday night.  I see there are lots of comments beneath this article but I did not read them.   I don't want to know!

One guy texted me something yesterday and when I saw what he sent, I felt the stress go up, so I shut the cellphone off and off it will stay.

I did get a mild sunburn through the clouds yesterday.  I will get a real Sunburn - on purpose - today!

Oh . . . because our room has a fully private deck on the top floor . . . . .  the hotel said I can smoke!!!!!



The weather has become utterly PERFECT!   Barely a cloud in the sky, crystal blue horizon, deep blue ocean, white sand (very fine, not course).

Loads of FAMILIES on the beach - all genuinely nice people having a genuinely nice time.  

I have accomplished my goal of getting really sun-burned.   I laid on my belly for the half hour from 12:30 - 1:00 local time.  "Solar Noon" was at 1:04 PM.  Then laid on my back from 1:00-1:30.   I am going to be FRIED since I didn't use one drop of sunscreen!

My skin is already bright pink.  In the four or five hours it takes for the UV exposure to really develop, I'm gonna be  B U R N T 

I wanted it.  I set out to do it.  I did it.

I haven't been out in the sun like this for 15+ years.  God it feels so good.

Best part so far?   I haven't looked at any news. NONE.

Haven't watched any TV.  NONE.

On the radio, I've only listened to music.  NO NEWS.  NO TALK.

I have absolutely no idea at all what is happening in the world and for the first time in a long time, I'm happy.

Gonna take a nap.


Slept til 9:48 this morning!  Unbelievable!!!!

What a day yesterday.  Went out on the beach, took a dip in the ocean -- COLD!!!

Got sunburn.  Went up to the boardwalk, rode some rides.  Roller Coaster was quite aggressive; far more than I remembered.

Walked back along the Boardwalk about 1 mile, then to the hotel. Got back to the hotel a little after Midnight.

My son's cell phone told him he walked 4.2 miles in total, all day, yesterday, and since he an I were together most of that, I guess I did too.   

My hips ache. Leg muscles ache,  too.  Lower back is registering its displeasure with me this morning.

The sunburn I got yesterday is developing into a nice tan.  My poor skin hasn't been hit with sun like this for 15 years, but it remembers what to do!

The weather today is partly cloudy but it's gonna be a slow day for me physically, anyway.  I'll just lay around an "veg."  The sleep I got last night after all that walking, and all that sun, was the deepest, most restful sleep I've had in more years than I can remember.  What a great night's sleep!

By the way - my tech guy, Matt, has been working on this site while I am not uploading content.  A lot of back-end changes.   So at some point yesterday, the updates to this particular article went missing, as did some comments made below it.

He didn't know I was posting these updates . . . . because I didn't tell him . . . . because I didn't think I would be.   So if the site gets a little weird, it's not you.   There is work being done behind the scenes.



My son and I are out on the deck outside our hotel room and we hear this thunderous jet noise overhead, we look up and . . . . . . a fully armed fighter jet is thundering out over toward the ocean!


I don't know about you, but to me this looks like a FULLY-ARMED F-16.  There are clearly missiles mounted beneath each wing.

Strange to see on a Sunday morning.

I checked FlightRadar24.com and this aircraft was **NOT** squawking a transponder signal.




This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

Radio Station Info

The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

WBCQ Freq. 7490 KHz and 6160 KHz

WRMI Freq. 5950 KHz and 7730 KHz

WWCR Freq. 7520 KHz



WBCQ on Freq. 7490 and WRMI  on Freq. 7730