The largest air force deployment exercise in NATO history, Air Defender 23, kicks off today. Many people fear this "exercise" is actually a "cover" for NATO to directly involve itself in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and thereby commence World War 3, which would go nuclear.

From 12 to 23 June, 10,000 participants from 25 countries will train on 250 aircraft, including 190 combat aircraft, in European airspace.

Wunstorf Air Base in Germany is the centerpiece of the exercise, home to a purpose-built field tank farm.

The warehouse is the largest in Germany and holds about 2.4 million liters of kerosene. We are not hinting at anything.

On Saturday, about 300 people protested in front of the air base against NATO exercises. The protesters demanded diplomatic solutions instead of the use of weapons and called for an end to the conflict in Ukraine.

Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

Everyone is waiting for the other shoe to drop with the Russia-Ukraine Conflict which NATO uses as an excuse to involve itself directly.  God knows NATO has done everything it knows how, to get Russia to attack them: NATO has provided Ukraine with guns, ammunition, artillery, shells, missiles, HIMARS MLRS, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconaissance and even targeting info on how and where to hit Russian troops. Countless BILLIONS in cash money has poured into Ukraine from NATO countries, to kill Russians.

That Russia has not taken this bait is amazing.  The patience and self-discipline of the Russians and their leaders is mind-boggling.  Yet, God bless them, the Russians have stayed the course.

In World War 2, Russia fought Nazi Germany.    At the time, Russia was part of the then-Soviet Union, but it was Russia that lost the most in that war: 27 MILLION Russians were killed fighting NAZIS.   

Fast-Forward to 2014, what pops-up in Ukraine?   A NAZI infested government, installed by the West, after the West fomented, incited, and financed riots that toppled the government of President Viktor Yanukovich.   

After overthrowing the Ukraine government, the West goaded Ukraine to start attacking the Russian-speaking populations of Luhansk and Donetsk.   Those two provinces wanted to join Crimea and secede from Ukraine after it's government was overthrown by the West.    The new puppet government of Ukraine refused to allow those two provinces to secede, and instead, sent troops to begin attacking the Russian-speaking civilians there.

Russia covertly intervened with troops to help defend Luhansk and Donetsk.  The two provinces, with Russian help, fought Ukraine to a standstill.

So the West got sneaky.  A peace conference was called to meet in Minsk, Belarus.  Ukraine, Luhansk, Donetsk, France, Germany, and Russia, attended. A peace agreement was signed . . . and Ukraine did not abide ANY of it for years after. 

Turned out, the West overtly LIED during the Minsk Peace Talks.  It came out later, that then-German-Chancellor Angela Merkel, and then-President of France, Francois Hollande, signed the Minsk Agreements knowing it was a ruse; they told the press in 2022, they just wanted to buy time to arm Ukraine!

So all the way back in the year 2014, it was the West's intent to start a war between Ukraine and Russia!

For eight years, from 2014-2022, the West armed and trained Ukraine to NATO Standards.  Ukraine had a standing army of 800,000; the largest in Europe.

In December, 2021, Ukraine massed more troops, tanks, artillery, fighter jets and the like, on the borders of Luhansk and Donetsk.  The earlier years from 2014-2022 where Ukraine killed upwards of 13,000 civilians in Luhansk and Donetsk apparently wasn't good enough; Ukraine was going to slaughter the people there.  

Russia said "no" and stepped-in on  February 24, 2022.

The West went nuts, claiming this was "an unprovoked aggression by Russia."   It wasn't.  It was provoked over, and over, and over again, by the West.

In the almost 16 months since the conflict began, NATO has done anything and everything it can to help Ukraine kill Russians.  NATO failed.   Ukraine is getting smashed on the battle field despite all of NATO's help.   Ukraine is losing the conflict - badly.

It is so bad for Ukraine that they have to draft 16 year old boys off the streets, at gunpoint - to force them to the front to fight.  The bloodbath is horrifying, but NATO will not stop pushing Ukraine to fight further.

Yet for all its pushing of Ukraine to fight-on, and for all the equipment NATO has supplied to Ukraine . . . Russia is still winning.   Russia just smashes all the gear being sent by NATO.   Within the past 48 hours, look at what Russia did to NATO's "advanced" weaponry:

Three out of the six Leopard 2R mine-clearing vehicles Finland donated to Ukraine have been lost in the same field.

With other engineering vehicles in the field as well, this is a massive loss for the brigade, no matter what. 

Russia just moves right along, smashing and destroying everything NATO sends.   

As you read this story on June 12, 2023, Ukraine's only hope is for NATO to enter the war and fight Russia directly.  But Russia has not attacked NATO.   So at this point, an "incident" has to take place so as to justify NATO's entry into the conflict.   And THAT is what this "Air Defender, 2023" exercise is likely all about.

Someone is likely to create an "incident" which NATO will then use to justify its entry into the war.   

From today through June 24, is the single most dangerous time in this world since the Cuban Missile crisis of 1962.   If an "incident" is made to happen, and NATO enters the fight, it will go almost immediately to nuclear war.  There will be no warning for any of us.

If you're the praying type, now is the time. The world is going to look a lot different, and sooner than people might suspect. All it takes is one Keystone removed from the arch to threaten the entirety of the system upon which our society is based.



NATO has already begun probing!  NATO military aircraft are penetrating air space of the Black Sea:

Above is a "Rivet Joint" aircraft.   The RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft supports theater and national level consumers with near real time on-scene intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination capabilities.

The aircraft is an extensively modified C-135. The Rivet Joint's modifications are primarily related to its on-board sensor suite, which allows the mission crew to detect, identify and geolocate signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The mission crew can then forward gathered information in a variety of formats to a wide range of consumers via Rivet Joint's extensive communications suite.

Below, a NATO Fighter Jet:

This jet is a single-seat, Block 5 or later aircraft (built or upgraded from F2) and is known as Typhoon FGR4s. The new mark number represents the increased capabilities of the Block 5 aircraft (fighter/ground attack/reconnaissance). The FGR4 has from June 2008 achieved the required standard for multi-role operations.

The purpose of these flights is to test Russian reaction times and gather up-to-the-minute Intelligence.   NATO is fixin' for a fight.


-RAF RC-135W Rivet Joint RRR7212

-RAF KC2 Voyager KAYAK31

-Italian Air Force King Air 350ER IAM1482

-US Army CH-47 Chinook R08457

-US Army Black Hawk 11-20392



In Crimea, there has been an explosion on the railway tracks. This is reported by Russian media and telegram channels.

The driver of the freight train allegedly spotted the explosive device and applied emergency brakes.

As a result of the explosion, according to preliminary data, the tracks and a freight locomotive were damaged. According to some reports, two railway workers were injured.

The explosion occurred in the Kirov region of Crimea - in the east of the peninsula.

The movement of trains on the site has been stopped, repairs may take several hours, the head of the Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, wrote on his telegram channel.

(HT REMARK: This is clearly part of an effort to block Russian supply lines.)





A Russian soldier has been killed and 3 Russian soldiers were wounded after being in a Turkish drone strike in northern Syria this morning.

The Russian military column was traveling between the villages of Herbel and Maarat Umm Hawsh outside Aleppo.



UPDATE 10:48 AM EDT --

This is my current assessment of the Ukraine situation:

Today is Day 8 of Ukraine's “Great Counter-offensive” and all they have to show for it is a few fields, and more troops stuck in meat grinders.

The "Counter-Offensive" is bogged down -- badly -- and the Vilnius, Lithuania, meeting of NATO is coming up fast.  That is the meeting at which Ukraine must show NATO that it is has made real progress with the Counter-Offensive, or future assistance from NATO goes into great jeopardy.

For what it's worth, by Day 8, Ukraine was __supposed to__  be mopping up Melitopol, should have cut off Mariupol by standing on the AZOV Coast, and should have been starting the assault on Crimea.

Nothing is going as planned.  Ukraine is taking huge losses, and have not even managed to reach the First defense line of the Russians - anywhere!!!!

Think about THAT for just a moment; they have not yet encountered Russian actual defensive lines yet . . .  anywhere . . .  along the front.  All they've encountered are Russian Recon and Pickets; which are smashing and destroying much of what Ukraine has already put forth.   

NATO equipment?  Not nearly as good as everyone thought it was. 

NATO Tactics?  Utter failure at almost every turn.  

NATO is a failure.  Ukraine is the proof.

Thank God we didn't have to find out via an actual invasion during the Cold War by the then-Soviet-Union; we'd have had our clocks cleaned.

Once again, the incompetents running Washington, DC and our military, made another a huge mistake….



As of today, Ukraine has lost (or abandoned to caputre) fifteen percent (15%) of the M2A2 Bradley Infantry Fighting vehicles donated to them for their "Counter-Offensive."  They achieved this 15% loss in eight (8) days.



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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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