Transnistria Convenes Congress of Deputies; First Time in 18 Years - ASKS RUSSIA FOR HELP!

Transnistria Convenes Congress of Deputies; First Time in 18 Years - ASKS RUSSIA FOR HELP!

The tiny autonomous region of Moldova, calling itself Transnistria, has for the first time in 18 years, convened its Congress of Deputies.  That Congress has voted to ask Russia for help.

Transnistria addressed Russia asking for help due to economic blockade from Moldova; the declaration was adopted by a congress of deputies.

According to an alleged text of the declaration, published by a Tel'gram channel, the deputies are asking Russia to:

"carry out a complex of events to defend Transnistria in the conditions of Moldova intensifying its pressure, taking into account the fact that over 220 thousand of Russian citizens have permanent residency in Transnistrian Moldovan Repulic, and the unique positive experience of the Russian peacekeeping on the Dniester, and its status as guarantor and mediator in the negotiations process."

The declaration reportedly also approves addresses the UN and various EU institutions, as well as CIS members asking them to influence Moldova.


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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