Trump Suspends Funding for National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as USAID Waste, Fraud, and Abuse LIST becomes public

Trump Suspends Funding for National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as USAID Waste, Fraud, and Abuse LIST becomes public

President Donald Trump has suspended funding and operations of the National Endowment for Democracy; an entity which meddles in countries and elections all over the world in the name of "promoting Democracy."

This one is HUGE, folks…  Want to know how huge?  VICTORIA NULAND sits on the Executive Board of the N.E.D.

This “Non-Profit” is the primary founder of Soros/WEF NGO’s creating unrest and color revolutions around the world.

Started by Reagan to promote Democratic movements, it was quickly converted under Clinton to become a CIA cut-out, eventually being all but taken over by the Soros Group.

"Open Society grantees get USAID money and State Department grants. These same Soros networks work with the National Endowment for Democracy(NED), our most prolific CIA cutout. They create front groups, shell companies, facade organizations… parked in universities, NGOs, private companies. They aren’t independent, they’re set up for a purpose and they serve that purpose." 

Apparently, it is through this entity that the United States pushes "regime change" all over the world.  Ukraine seems to be just one example, and that effort turned into the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Two weeks ago, when President Trump froze money and operations in the US Agency for International Development, leftists threw temper tantrums claiming this would harm poor people and starve children.  Then it turned out that the agency was actually a sham in its present form.   Here are just some of the "International Development" projects they recently funded:


✅ Millions to HIV clinics in South Africa


✅ "USAID helped fund the impeachment of Donald Trump." - Mike Benz


✅ $13+ billion in aid to rebuild Haiti, $1.1 billion of that was funneled by USAID and another $84 million to Chelsea Clinton


✅ USAID packages found among Hezbollah weapons cache


✅ Obama Admin, via USAID, funds an Al Qaeda affiliate known for financially supporting bin Laden and Hamas


✅ $4 billion of USAID money went to pfizer


✅ $40 million was funneled to the Wuhan Institute of Virology


✅ 97% of USAID went to Democrats


✅ USAID also bankrolled the education of infamous, Al Qaeda Terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki


✅ USAID Funded Soros Operations


✅ USAID funnels money to left wing "non-profits" who pay their employees 300-500k per year: Those employees turn around and donate sizeable sums to Democrats


✅ The World Economic Forum received $68 MILLION from USAID while ‘penetrating Cabinets'


✅ 2019 alone, Chemonics received $1.5 billion in USAID funding


✅ $2 Million for Moroccan Pottery classes


✅ $2 Million to promote tourism in Lebanon


✅ $20 million for a Sesame Street Show in Iraq


✅ Ukranians sent to Paris for Fashion Week


✅ $1.5 Million for DEI in Serbia


✅ $70,000 for a DEI musical in Ireland


✅ $47,000 for a Transgender Opera in Colombia


✅  $32,000 for a Transgender Comic book in Peru


✅ $2 million for Sex Changes in Guatamala


✅ $6 Million for tourism in Egypt


✅ Nine out of ten USAID dollars spent in 2022 went to contractors, mostly in the DC area. Less than one in ten went to front line groups


✅ $335 million on a diesel fueled power plant that just sat there because Afghans can't afford to import diesel


✅ $300-500 million on a dam that was deemed too unsafe to use


✅ Millions on healthcare facilities that don't exist


✅ $70 million on contractor fees for projects that were canceled before being started, but they got to keep the money anyway


✅ Contractor built a $500k police training facility that melted when it rained because it was made from sand


✅ DoD paid almost $500 million for 22 cargo planes that were unsafe to fly and were sold as scraps for about $30k total


✅ $249 million on an incomplete road in Afghanistan


✅  $300million that was spent on making a pier attached to Gaza which got swept away by the waves?  And the $200 mil they had to spend to dismantle it


✅ USAID was using Tax Payer Money to run their Child-sex Trafficking Enterprise, most notably, ‘Save the Children’ where Jill Biden was on their Board


✅ Biden threatened to withhold a $1 billion USAID loan guarantee unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating his son's company


✅ Victoria Nuland funded the Ukrainian coup with USAID money. USAID is at the heart of the war between Ukraine and Russia


✅ USAID gave $27 million to support SOROS funded AG's


✅ Levi Strauss, is funded by USAID


✅ $2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam


✅ $1.5 million to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia's workplaces and business communities”


✅ Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations


✅ Millions to EcoHealth Alliance, which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab


✅ “Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to Al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria”


✅ Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries


✅ Hundreds of millions of dollars to fund “irrigation canals, farming equipment, and even fertilizer used to support the unprecedented poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan,” benefiting the Taliban


✅ 2021, USAID funded a transgender health clinic in India — run by trans people.


✅ USAID had been funding regime change all around the world for years


✅ $90,000,000 in USAID for HIV in San Francisco


✅ Gonna be real awkward when the USAID cuts dry up the fentanyl trafficking


✅ $10 MILLION worth of taxpayer money was spent on creating transgender mice, rats, and monkeys


✅ USAID staff has been reduced by 97% with only 294 USAID staff out of the original 10,000 remaining


✅ DOGE finds nearly 5,000 media outlets funded by USAID alone — including Politico, New York Times, and even the BBC


✅ $500 million fueling a worldwide industry of propaganda and censorship


✅ Pfizer was a top contract for USAID. ARREST Albert Bourla


✅ USAID Employees Donated To Kamala Harris For President 1,576 Times


✅ Ilhan Omar supports USAID because almost $2.3 billion of our tax dollars were wasted on Somalia


✅ tax dollars have been used to fund the media operations of 30 different countries via USAID funds?   How many color revolutions have been funded by USAID?


✅ BLM burned down Cities. BLM was funded by USAID. BLM was supported by Politicians.


✅ Contract to build a power plant in Afghanistan that was paid for through USAID, it was never finished


✅ Firm that built that power plant that never got finished and doesn’t work, they're represented by John Podesta and his lobbying group


✅ Project was intended to create 300,000 jobs by 2013. After two years, it had only created 2,458 jobs


✅ Man claims that ever since Donald Trump and Elon Musk cut off USAID funding, the skies above him have completely cleared—not a single chemtrail in sight


✅ $27 million of grants from USAID to Tides Center, which has housed the 501c3 for the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation and FJP


✅ USAID watching DOGE inch closer to the line item for $30 million of tunnel maintenance on Little Saint James


✅ USAID spent $159 million to build poorly made "schools" in Pakistan


✅ 2006 archived USAID website proudly claims the agency "supported" revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia, Lebanon, and Kyrgyzstan


✅ Politico received $8M from USAID


✅ $34.3M that Politico has received from various swampy federal govt agencies


✅ 90% of Ukraine media is funded by USAID


✅ USAID funded a Gaza rap artist to produce anti-Israel, antisemitic songs to the tune of $3,000,000


✅ 2014 coup in Ukraine, George Soros admitted that his foundation played a big role in the destabilization. The head of USAID admitted to being in Ukraine and working with Soros


✅ $2.4 million USAID mission to North Sentinel Island to teach the natives about DEI


✅ USAID administrator boasted about shipping a mobile power plant big enough to power 100,000 homes, 1,700 generators, and 360 heating shelters to UKRAINE for a cost of $1 Billion


✅ Bill Gates got $$$ from #USAID to inject babies with deadly malaria "vaccines" and we paid for it


✅ $50 million in condoms to Gaza

Clearly, USAID was being used as a sort of Slush-Fund for radical leftist projects, social engineering, media influence and more both overseas AND here in the United States.  That has now been halted.

NED is next.

More on this as information becomes available.



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