Turkey DENIES U.S. Permission To Use Airspace to Attack Iran

Turkey DENIES U.S. Permission To Use Airspace to Attack Iran

The country of Turkey has DENIED permission to the US, to use Turkish air space to attack Iran. Turkey joins Kuwait, Qatar, and other Middle East nations in telling the US they cannot use wither bases or air space for any Iran attack.

Our "allies" seem to have finally had enough of our excusing any and every transgression perpetrated by Israel. 

Israel is facing military consequences for its bombing of Iran's Embassy Compound in Damascus, Syria. The Israeli attack was, as a matter of fact and law, an "Act of War."   The bombing of Iran's Embassy compound violated the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic relations, to which most of the world adheres.

The consequences Israel now faces is being hit back militarily, by Iran which has a formidable missile force, and and equally formidable drone force.

Neither the US nor Israel want there to be any consequences, but the real world doesn't work that way.

The US, at first, told Iran that, as long as no US facilities were targeted, the US "would not interfere."   That position quickly went out the window and today, the US "will defend Israel."

The US has moved substantial naval assets closer to the Israeli coastline, and has moved an aircraft carrier strike group into the northern part of the Red Sea.   Publicly, the US is pledging to intercept as many Iranian missiles as is feasible to do.

The US has been speaking with the governments of countries where US bases are located, and those discussions have gone absolutely nowhere.  The US is being repeatedly DENIED permission to use those countries for any attacks upon Iran.

The denial of permission from Qatar was especially serious; that's where the largest US base in all of the Middle East is located.   The refusal of permission has severely undercut US ability to project force in the region.

The US is openly frustrated that "allies" are denying permission.   For some reason, the US fails to see that Israel threw the first punch, and now Israel is going to get punched back.

Why the US is in such denial is anyone's guess, but the countries which are denying permission realize quite clearly what their decisions are creating: A situation where "big brother USA" cannot defend the little bully, Israel.

Most of my former colleagues in the Intelligence Community have told me as of Friday night, they expect Iran to unleash a missile and drone barrage upon Israel, to hit Israeli government (military) assets.

They also tell me they expect the attack to begin THIS WEEKEND.

For its part, Israel has blustered they will counter-attack.   IF they choose to do so, it will only escalate the situation.

Now that the USA is being militarily hamstrung by its "allies" perhaps the Israelis may become more amenable to getting along with neighbors . . .  after they get punched back, by Iran.

The little Bully Israel seems set to get a bloody nose.


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Harold C. Turner

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