As I write, it is 11:50 AM. I have been notified by my Credit Card Processor, STRIPE, that they have put a HOLD on about $16,000 in YOUR DONATIONS and YOUR SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENTS because of a "surge" in my transaction rate.
YOU donated about $12,000 toward this web site and radio show since last Saturday and they consider that a "surge" and demanded info from me as to how and why this took place. They also said they have placed a HOLD on transfers to my bank account until they review my answers to their inqury.
This comes less than twelve hours after my blockbuster radio show last night, exposing the how and why of the troubles here in the USA and how the stock market and such keep rising despite ongoing societal collapse.
I do not know if STRIPE will release the money you donated. If they do, I can pay the radio stations and pay Amazon Web Services for this site, and continue. If they do not, I'm crushed.
I'll let you know.