U.S. Aircraft Carrier COLLIDES with Bulk Carrier Vessel on High Seas

U.S. Aircraft Carrier COLLIDES with Bulk Carrier Vessel on High Seas

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) collided with the bulk carrier Besiktas-M off the coast of Egypt yesterday. The Pentagon reports that the collision "did not endanger the Harry S. Truman."

Was the Captain and the crew of USS Harry Truman asleep?   How does an aircraft carrier collide with another ship on the high seas?  How does another vessel even get CLOSE to a US Aircraft Carrier?????

Did the crew of the Harry Truman somehow NOT SEE the 616 foot long Bulk Carrier vessel?????  Was it hiding behind a tree in the middle of the friggin' ocean?

On its face, this appears to be dereliction of duty by the Captain and/or crew of the aircraft carrier. 


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