U.S. Rebuilding Abandoned Air Base Previously Used to Drop Nuke on Japan; Next-up: China

U.S. Rebuilding Abandoned Air Base Previously Used to Drop Nuke on Japan;  Next-up: China

The United States is preparing for a major war with China!  To that end, the U.S. has begun rebuilding a long-abandoned air base in the Pacific, that was used to drop the atomic bomb on Japan! 

The Airbase on the remote Pacific island of Tinian has long been overgrown with jungle. Yet, very VERY quietly, the US military has been clearing it, and equipping the runways since January 2024, in preparation for war with China!!


They've know for almost the whole year they intend to go to war with China.  Did they ask the permission of the American people for a war?  No.   Did they tell the American people they need to begin preparing for such a war?  No.  Have they explained to any American citizen WHY we need to go to war with a NUCLEAR superpower like China; a country which now has a larger NAVY than we do? No.   They just went ahead and did it.

Oh, and where has the so-called "main stream media" been as far as revealing this to the American people?  Missing-in-Action!  The mass media simply don't do their jobs very well anymore.  I, however, do.

This update raises significant concerns about escalating tensions between the US and China.

Rebuilding the airbase on Tinian underscores the seriousness of the situation and the strategic preparations being made.

It's crucial for all parties to prioritize dialogue and diplomacy to avoid conflict and ensure stability in the region.

Below is a SCALABLE map in which you can zoon OUT (a lot) to see where this base is located in relation to China.


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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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