UPDATED 6:24 PM EDT -- Uh Oh! France Parliament APPROVES Bi-Lateral Security Agreement with Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron will give an urgent address to the nation Thursday evening at about 8:00 PM local time, to discuss the situation in Ukraine.  I reported this on last night's Hal Turner Radio Show.  It gets worse . . .

The French parliament approved the French president's strategy towards Ukraine and supported the bilateral security agreement signed by Macron and Zelenskyy.

Under a Bi-lateral security agreement, a country like France can agree to send its active duty military troops into Ukraine, which would be separate and distinct from a "NATO" action.

Trouble is, Russia has already made clear that if foreign troops enter Ukraine, they will be legitimate military targets.  That would necessarily mean Russia kills the French troops.

PRESUMING that France is going to send troops, since France will have entered Ukraine with the permission of the Ukraine government, when Russia hits those troops, can France turn around and claim that "France has been attacked by Russia?"   Could France then try to invoke NATO Treaty Article 5 "Collective Self Defense?"

Russia has made clear from the beginning of its Special Military Operation inside Ukraine, that if NATO declares Article 5 Collective Self Defense against Russia, "It will be a war that no one will win" which means a nuclear war.

The fact that the French Parliament has approved Macron's Bi-Lateral Security Agreement is a terrible development.  It heralds the coming of an out-of-control escalation of the Russia Ukraine conflict that could catapult the world into World War 3. Tomorrow.  When Macron reveals his plans . . . .


 UPDATE 6:24 PM EDT --

Intel sources now tell me that in addition to French active-duty troops being deployed into Ukraine, POLAND intends to send _their_ troops too, under a similar "Bi-Lateral Security Agreement" with Ukraine.   Intel sources tell me that POLAND will send their troops to protect the Ukraine Border with Belarus, thus freeing up tens-of-thousands of Ukraine troops to go to the front lines.

If this is accurate info - and it seems to be -- then it might also stand to reason that French troops might go into Ukraine to protect some other part of the country, thereby freeing-up even more Ukraine troops to go to the front line.

Basically, it would be France and Poland telling Ukraine, we'll protect your borders while you send the guys you previously had there, to go fight Russia.  This has the "added benefit" of France and Poland trying to claim they are not "combatants" and should not be attacked by Russia.

It's an argument I suspect they will lose.

What's going on here is merely a substitution for Ukraine troops in areas other than the front lines, so that those troops can go kill Russians. The plain result, however, is more dead Russian troops.   As such,  I doubt Russia will see this type of move as being "non-participants" in the war.




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