Ukraine Attacks Civilian MERCHANT Ship Near Kerch Strait

Ukraine Attacks Civilian MERCHANT Ship Near Kerch Strait

Last night, Ukraine launched Unmanned Marine Drones to attack vessels near the Kerch Strait Bridge, and HIT a Merchant Oil Tanker Ship named the "SIG" about 30 miles from the Bridge.

It began when Residents of a nearby town,  Yakovenkovo reported a loud explosion near the bridge..

As reported during the live Hal Turner Radio Show last night, booth aerial and maritime drones were being used, and the belief was that the Kerch Strait Bridge was the target. 

Russian Electronic Warfare dealt with most of the aerial drones, but Anti-Aircraft-Artillery (AAA) was used to down others.

Just after the Hal Turner Show went off the air, an insider close to the Russian Maritime Fleet reported that a maritime drone collided with a tanker 30 miles from the Kerch Strait.  That is now confirmed and visually verified.  The photo above shows the ship on fire.  

Below is what the vessel normally looks like:


According to radio traffic, the Captain of the ship says it was hit in the engine room area, which is now flooded. The vessel cannot move independently. But, fortunately, the crew is alive and almost unharmed. The Russian rescue ship "Mercury" is already operating next to it, and a number of ships are heading to help.

According to some reports, the SIG tanker was returning from Syria, where it delivered oil products. The tanker itself has been under US sanctions since 2019 for helping to circumvent sanctions imposed on Syria regarding the sale of their oil and gas minerals.

On July 19, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that all ships calling at Ukrainian ports will be considered as carrying military equipment and will be considered targets.

On July 20, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry made the same statement that they would have the same approach to Russian ships."



Video of the Drone impacting the ship has been released by the Ukraine government.  They saw in advance they were attacking an unarmed CIVILIAN vessel, and they attacked it anyway. A blatant act of state sponsored terrorism, INTENTIONALLY against a civilian target.



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Harold C. Turner

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