Today is August 7, 2023, and over the past two months, Ukraine has lost 43,000 SOLDIERS to re-capture the TEENY-TINY dark-blue-shaded areas on this map.
That is the unspoken, hideous, truth.
U.S. and European Officials who continue to claim "more support is necessary for Ukraine" are either completely incompetent, are ignoring the utterly hopeless reality, or are actually TRYING to get more people killed.
Whichever the reason, all the military aid sent by the US to Ukraine, and all the BILLIONS of dollars sent as well, have netted the results you see on the map above.
Having watched the US and EU deliberately provoke Russia into the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and being fully aware of all the acts that lead up to Russia (rightly) entering Ukraine, it is my considered opinion that the US Military Leaders who thought Russia could be defeated on the battlefields of Ukraine are, in fact, personally and professionally incompetent.
Thus, it seems clear to me, that the military leadership of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the host of other "Hawks" who pushed this conflict, should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY for incompetence and dereliction of duty.