Ukraine Drones Hit Russian Nuclear Missile Testing Site

Ukraine Drones Hit Russian Nuclear Missile Testing Site

Ukrainian drones struck the Nuclear Missile Test site at Kapustin Yar Cosmodrome in Russia on July 9, 2024.

The site has been one of Russia's premier missile test ranges since 1947 and had most recently conducted a test launch of an Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on April 12th 2024.

This Cosmodrome has absolutely nothing to do with the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.  Hitting this affords zero benefit to Ukraine, militarily.

So why would Ukraine hit a Russian nuclear missile test site that has no military value to Ukraine?

A lot of keen observers think:  N A T O

Over the past few months, Ukraine has taken out other Russian targets that ALSO have absolutely nothing to do with the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but **DO** have a lot to do with Russia's nuclear capabilities.

On May 24, Ukraine hit a Russian Over-the-Horizon radar station, designed to protect Russia from inbound nuclear missiles. (Original story HERE)

Four days later, on May 28, Ukraine took out a SECOND Over-the-Horizon radar elsewhere in Russia. (Original story HERE)

Now, Ukraine has hit another component of Russia's nuclear protection; it's Cosmodrome.

Since absolutely NONE of these targets benefit Ukraine in any military way at all, one must then ask "Who Does Benefit?"


By poking holes in Russia's over-the-horizon nuclear protection radar, Ukraine opened up gaps in that radar coverage.  Gaps wide enough for a NATO nuclear first-strike against Russia, as outlined in the related stories above.

This latest Ukrainian attack against Russia's premier nuclear missile test facility, seems to confirm Ukraine is not acting in its own interest, it is acting in the interests of NATO . . . . which claims it "is not a party to the conflict."

There is skullduggery afoot and it appears NATO is explicitly instructing Ukraine which targets to hit inside Russia, to make Russia vulnerable to a NATO nuclear first strike.


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Harold C. Turner

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