Ukrainian journalist Vitaly Portnikov finally said the quiet part out loud: "Poor people need to die for the state, not the elite."
“Nowadays we hear from people that the children of deputies (Parliament) should fight, and then they (the common people) will go. No, my dears, this is a democratic state. In a democratic state, ordinary people die for the country. If we want aristocracy to die for the state, we must live in a feudal country, as it was before the Great French Revolution,” Portnikov said.
He went farther . . . . a LOT farther.
Portnikov went on to say "If you want to be equal to somebody, you have to pay, including with your own life. If you don't want equality, you don't pay. You go quietly about your business . . . in the field . . . and some OTHER person puts on all these Knightly (clothes/equipment) and goes to war with another Knight, because he is fighting for PROPERTY. For his land, and for YOU, since YOU are also HIS PROPERTY; YOU, the Cow, and the land. If you are not a cow, or a house, then YOU are similar."
Here is the video of the quiet part being said out loud:
About this "Journalist," From Wikipedia:
And there you have it: You Goyim must die for the Jews.