United Arab Emirates officially stops using U.S. Dollar for oil trades

The global financial landscape is witnessing a seismic shift as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) boldly moves away from the US dollar in its oil trade dealings.

This strategic pivot aligns with the broader ambitions of the BRICS economic alliance, of which the UAE is a recent addition. 

The changeover, involving the transition to local currencies for oil transactions, marks a significant departure from the long-established dollar dominance in the global oil market.

The BRICS bloc, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, recently expanded its membership to include the UAE, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and Argentina.

This expansion signifies a growing inclination towards de-dollarization among these nations, a move that challenges the traditional hegemony of the US dollar in international trade.

The UAE’s decision to prioritize local currency over the US dollar in new oil deals is a clear reflection of this sentiment. This move isn’t just a mere policy shift; it’s a strategic maneuver in the complex chess game of global economics.

By aligning with the BRICS nations, the UAE is not only diversifying its economic partnerships but also reinforcing its position as a global oil powerhouse.

This change could potentially reshuffle the cards in the international oil trade, impacting the dollar’s stronghold and introducing a new era of currency dynamics in oil transactions.


The shift away from the U.S. dollar is not some distant, arcane, thing which doesn't affect YOU.   It is affecting YOU already and it is going to get worse.  Much worse.  In fact, it's going to be a catastrophe.

You see, since the 1970's, ALL sales of oil, worldwide, have been transacted in "Dollars."  Everyone who sells it, sells in dollars.  Everyone who buys it, buys in dollars.

In order to do that, every country on earth needs to hold "dollars" in its central bank.

Now that countries are starting to sell oil in currencies OTHER THAN Dollars, the central banks around the world won't need to hold all those dollars.  They will start to send those dollars BACK to the United States and say convert these back to OUR currency.

As dollars come back to the U.S.  and other countries currencies are exchanged, THEIR currency will rise in value compared to ours.  Our currency will FALL in value compared to others.

Now, we don't manufacture much of anything here in America anymore; we import a lot of what we need/want.

So as we need to import, the value of OUR money is going to be worth less, and less compared to foreign countries, meaning what we need will cost VERY VERY MUCH MORE.

Inflation will hit the US in almost every sector because the things we need to import cost more and more dollars that are worth less and less.

So if you think things have gotten expensive this year, hold on to your hat; it's going to get a LOT worse.

Moreover, at some point, countries may decide that the U.S., being so far in debt, makes our currency worthless.  They may decide to STOP selling anything to us in US Dollars.

Despite being universally accepted nowadays, the fear of our currency becoming worthless is real because there is literally nothing backing our currency.  Government keeps going farther and farther into debt until at some point, people around the world will simply NOT take our money anymore.

When THAT happens, the shortages and "supply chain disruption" seen during COVID-19, will look like kid games.


The sole entity responsible for all this trouble is the US federal government; specifically, YOUR member of the US House of Representatives and YOUR US Senators.

It has been these people who have literally spent the country into oblivion.  THEY voted for each and every dollar spent which had to be borrowed.

So as they come back from Washington to back-slap, glad-hand, and kiss babies, know that it is THESE PEOPLE who are personally responsible for wrecking this nation, and ruining everything you and your family has worked all your lives for.

More importantly, it is THESE PEOPLE who have mis-used their positions to impose "economic sanctions" on country after country around the world; telling those countries, "If you don't do what we want, then you cannot use OUR money in YOUR trade."

All those countries are tired of US meddling in THEIR internal affairs.

So they're moving away from using US dollars, so that the US cannot sanction them anymore.

The result will be hyper-inflation for us, and wrecking of our country.  All because THEY will not stop meddling in other people's business.


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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