Our vacation came to its end today. We left the hotel around 9:30 this morning. Had a couple stops to make on the way. Rolled-in to our "Bugout" home in Pennsylvania around 5:15 PM. Got a little surprise when we got here.
For what it's worth, this is what I awoke to at about 6:15 this morning - pure beauty:
BTW, NO! There is **not** a second sun or planet down and to the right of the actual Sun. It is a lens reflection from my Apple iPhone camera. My son and I both looked at this picture, then re-looked at the real thing, and NO, there is no second anything . . . for all those "Niburu" believers who may try to say anything about it.
The creek that runs along the eastern side of our property must have flooded pretty darn badly from the remnants of Hurricane Debbie. So while I was laying on a beach relaxing, floodwaters were raging up here.
The Split-Rail fence at the southern property line is missing two, ten-foot sections. One rail is split and it's long part is missing! Two other posts are missing!
The water must have been raging as it flowed. My son and I figure that the water was probably carrying a tree or some heavy debris which must have collided with the fence to split a rail and bust a post. Three other rails are also gone; presumably carried away by the water.
We have a little red shed on that lower level of the property and the water line showing on the back side of the shed is a good four feet above the ground!
I took tonight off as part of my scheduled vacation, but I will be on the air live tomorrow night (Thursday) at 9:00 PM eastern US Time (GMT -0400).