VIDEO: Israel Drone-Strikes UNARMED Palestinian Teenagers just walking in public

VIDEO: Israel Drone-Strikes UNARMED Palestinian Teenagers just walking in public

Horrifying "war crime" video showing the Israeli Military targeting and intentionally killing teenagers for merely walking in public, has emerged from the Gaza Strip.  The shear brutality, and persistent intent to kill, shows this war crime in all its ugliness.

The kids were looking for whatever may have been left of the houses they used to live in.   They were doing nothing aggressive to anyone or anything, and had no weapons.

While the end results are blurred to hide the gore, the violent explosions of multiple drones, and the REPEATED INTENTIONAL ATTACKS, makes what happened to these kids, evident.

Here is the video:

Intentionally targeting civilians in a military conflict is a War Crime.  Yet Israeli soldiers are killing Palestinians for sport and posting it online because you’ve provided the weapons and impunity for them to commit mass murder.

In this instance, these non-combatant kids were not engaged in battle; there was no "heat of the moment" or any "confusion" . . . . this is straight-up murder.

It shows the character of the Israeli military; that they are nothing more than brutalizers; intentional murderers.  

How anyone can call this "self-defense" is an exercise in psychological "denial" . . . this is nothing more than murder, and it happens almost every day.

Such is the character of the people perpetrating it.



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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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