WHO Stats PROVE "COVID-19" Was a Total, Deliberate, FRAUD- and They're Doing It AGAIN!

WHO Stats PROVE "COVID-19" Was a Total, Deliberate, FRAUD- and They're Doing It AGAIN!

OPINION-EDITORIAL (Op-Ed)  -- The powers-that-be (TPTB) re-branded the Flu as "COVID-19" and suckered the entire world into taking a phony "vaccine" that doesn't work, but kills or injures many of the recipients. Want proof? Here: World Health Organization Annual FLU Chart. . .

Notice the Flu "Disappeared?"   Look:

Yes, there certainly __is__ a virus named "SARS-CoV-2" and called "COVID-19" that DOES make people sick.   But it was nowhere near what they claimed it was - because they used the SYMPTOMS of the Flu to diagnose an illness as "COVID-19" then blamed everyone who got sick on "COVID."   

In the words of Dr. J. Mitchell, my (former) Cardiologist in Englewood, NJ "Everything is COVID unless proved otherwise."  He said that to me and my wife when we came into the office for my wife's check-up.    She was huffing and puffing from having walked up to the office from the downstairs parking lot because she has COPD from smoking for fifty years.   The nurses saw her huffing and puffing and told everyone on the staff she had "COVID  Symptoms."   

The staff in the office freaked-out and told us we had to leave, they wouldn't do her check-up.  We responded, "she has COPD and is just out of breath from walking up here from the parking lot."   One nurse, I think her name was Michelle, who worked for Dr. Mitchell, told us if we didn't leave, they would call the police to make us leave!

When Dr. Mitchell came to the examining room door, with his mask on, we told him the same thing and, standing in the doorway - because he wouldn't come into the room - that was when he told us "Everything is COVID until proved otherwise."

We left.   We got ourselves a new Doctor too.  Never went back to see Dr. Mitchell again.   I do not have any confidence at all in any Doctor who thinks so robotically.  He's outta our lives.



Remember how they told us during the whole COVID debacle to "trust the science?"   Well, for about the past two years, the "science" told us that masks "don't work" to protect anyone from a virus.  That's why actual scientists wear fully-encapsulating suits with external air hoses when they work with Level 3 or Level 4 pathogens.

The Wuhan Institute for Virology, where this so-called "COVID-19" came from, is a Level 3 BSL (Bio-Safety Laboratory).   They worked with the COVID Bat Virus which they claim COVID-19 came from.   What do THEY wear in THAT lab?    This, as shown by NBC News (HERE):

So you go right ahead and keep thinking that your $10 paper mask will protect you . . . .  or maybe that your Bandana on your face will protect you.   They won't.  They never have.  They cannot.

The pores on those masks that most of us wore during covid, are, at best, able to filter out particles that are 4 microns in size.  Micron is a metric measurement converting to one-millionth of a meter.  The masks you and I were told to wear, can only filter out particles large than 4 microns, or four millionths of a meter.

Do you know how big a COVID virus is?   0.04 Microns . . . . 100 times SMALLER than the pores on the masks!    Using a paper mask to try to protect yourself from "COVID" is like using a chain link fence to try to protect yourself from Mosquitoes; it doesn't work.  It can't.

Want proof?  Here's a screen shot from the Specification sheet from 3M for their N-95 masks.   Note what it openly tells everyone it CANNOT PROTECT FROM (Highlighting mine):

So even the mask manufacturer tells you, the mask "does not eliminate exposure to or the risk of contracting any disease or infection."   Here's a direct link to the full Specifications sheet (Click HERE) so you can read it for yourself direct from the Manufacurer.

Yet here we are, in August 2023, now being told "Mask Mandates" are coming back.  

COVID mask mandates are returning to Hollywood, with Lionsgate being the first major studio to reinstate masking and daily testing for its Los Angeles office workers.

Lionsgate is requiring employees who physically work at its headquarters in Santa Monica to wear masks at all times when in the building, effective immediately, except when alone in an enclosed office or large open workspace. In addition, employees are required to submit to daily COVID testing and to report the results to the company, according to an internal memo obtained by Deadline.

Employees must wear “a medical grade face covering (surgical mask, KN95 or N95) when indoors except when alone in an office with the door closed, actively eating, actively drinking at their desk or workstation, or if they are the only individual present in a large open workspace,” the memo reportedly states.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has reported a recent uptick in transmissions but “overall metrics remain at a low level of concern.”

A growing number of colleges and medical institutions throughout the country are also reinstating mask mandates, with the mainstream news media running articles pushing for the return of face coverings.

In Syracuse, NY,  Upstate Medical’s two hospitals, University and Community General, reimposed mandatory face-masking  after reporting an uptick in Covid-19 cases.

Covid testing is now also required for all patients being admitted to the hospitals, according to a memo sent to Upstate staff and provided to Syracuse.com.

In Atlanta, Morris Brown College has announced that the school is reinstating its Covid mask mandate for the next two weeks as a result of positive cases at the Atlanta University Center.

In New York, new COVID-19 admissions were up 3 percent for the week ending Aug. 5, with a total of 650 new admissions, according to CDC data.  But wait, that does not jive with Johns-Hopkins World Meter which monitors national and international "COVID" cases.

According to the Johns Hopkins World Meter, there were only five new deaths in the entire United States yesterday from Covid. The Johns-Hopkins site also shows there were only 955 patients with Covid that were in serious or critical condition in the whole United States yesterday.

Ready for the punch line?   EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE PATIENTS . . . . were Vaccinated!


The "vaccines" don't work.

Unless, of course, you think getting Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Blood Clots, Heart Attacks, Strokes, and turbo Cancer are some positive effects of the clot shots.  They certainly seem to cause those things in a gigantic percentage of the people who took those Death Darts masquerading as "Vaccines." Oh, and did I mention they also seem to cause AIDS in some people? Yes.  That's also an unwelcome little FACT.   The CD8  T-Cells count in people who took these "vaccines" drops about five percent a week, until it has dropped about seventy percent. Then it seems to remain at that suppressed level.

CD8 T-Cells are your first line of defense against getting sick, and people who took those "Vaccines" seem to have 70% LESS CD8 T-Cells to fight off sickness.   So the next time a nasty bug comes along, THOSE PEOPLE will not have the immune system resources to fight it off very well.  If they recover at all, (and many won't) it will take very much longer.

The science, however, is clear, the "Vaccines" DO NOT prevent you from getting COVID, and they DO NOT prevent you from spreading COVID to others.  THAT, is the "science." 

Which brings me to RUTGERS UNIVERSITY in New Jersey.   They just announced they may "Dis-enroll" students who do not have all the COVID-19 shots and boosters!    Oh, gee, ain't that just grand?   They demand young people take EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY shots (masquerading as "vaccines") that don't work, or they get thrown out of school.

You know what?  You should take your kids OUT of RUTGERS.   If RUTGERS is this stupid about "the science" then letting them teach your kid might  only make your kid stupid too.  Get your kids OUT of that school or any other place that demands they take this useless clot shot, death dart, fake "vaccine."






The reason this is happening is simple, the 2024 Presidential election is coming and the very same people who STOLE IT in the year 2020, want to STEAL IT AGAIN.   So they're coming up with their complete B.S. "COVID" again so by the time the election rolls around, they can say "Oh my gosh, we've got this terrible outbreak again, we need to do Mail-In voting again."   So they can print hundreds-of-thousands of mail-in Ballots, then forge them or dump them (again) to steal the election -- again.

We all got suckered in 2020 by this COVID nonsense.  Are you going to let them sucker you again?

Want to know why this is all nonsense?  There is NO ISOLATED, PURIFIED, sample of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus, anywhere on this planet. Every Freedom of Information Act request seeking to know what documents are in possession of government outlining how many isolated, purified, samples of the COVID-19 virus the government has in its possession are all met with the same answer: We do not have an isolated sample of the virus.

Like I said earlier, they re-branded the Flu as "COVID-19" and when they left those people untreated for the Flu they actually had, many of them died.  They called those "COVID Deaths."

The WHO Chart above, shows the reality.

The "COVID crowd" lied to all of us.  They did it because there was over a TRILLION DOLLARS in "vaccine money" at stake, and, as an added benefit, they got all us "sheep" to do what we were told by them.  Obedience to the powers-that-be .  . .  wear your face diaper and stay away from each other, while we party like it's 1999 without masks, like the Obama folks did:

(New York Post - August 9, 2021 "Private jets and no masks — how Obama’s party was height of elite hypocrisy" (Click HERE)

And let's not forget Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the UK (Click HERE) who attended a Downing Street Party while he had the rest of Great Britain locked-down.

While the rest of us were forced to stay home, wreck our income, wreck our businesses, disrupt the supply chain, smash our economy, and some other political people in the U.S.  STOLE The Presidency of the United States for Illegitimate President Joe Biden, they partied and laughed at how stupid we all were.  Don't let them get away with it again. 


The choice of course, is YOURS.   I cannot make you wear a mask, I cannot make you take a vaccine, I cannot make you NOT do those things.   You're an adult, you have to make your own choices, and YOU are the one who gets the results of those choices.   

I have merely utilized my First Amendment to the US Constitution-protected right to freedom of speech and freedom of the Press, to point out the scientific facts.  Facts about masks - which don't work,.

Facts about mRNA "COVID-19" experimental genetic therapy being CALLED "Vaccines"  which have factually harmed many, many, people and are STILL harming many, many people.  mRNA "Vaccines" which which factually DO NOT prevent you from getting COVID-19 and DO NOT prevent you from giving it to others.  These are the medical and scientific facts and they are irrefutable.   

While I am using my Constitutionally-protected rights, YOU get to use YOURS as well.   You are free to believe or not.  You are free to research things for yourself, and take whatever action YOU think proper for your own health and safety - or not.   

For me, that means NO masks and NO COVID-19 "vaccine."  I have made those choices and I am alive, well, and doing fine.  What you do is up to you.



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Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

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