Witkoff Departs Russia After Delivering Ukraine Offer

Witkoff Departs Russia After Delivering Ukraine Offer

Trump Envoy Steve Witkoff's vehicle, under police escort in Moscow, was recorded arriving at Moscow Airport.  

Witkoff has departed from Russia after delivering the Ukrainian offer for a Ceasefire.

It is known that Russia provided Witkoff with its Terms for Ukraine:

  • Ukraine cannot join NATO or any other military bloc, AND;
  • Ukraine must be De-Nazified and De-militarized, AND;
  • Ukraine must agree that the territories now-added to Russia from the conflict, are Russian - forever, AND;
  • No deployment of foreign troops on Ukraine territory, for any reason.

On Ukraine television tonight, members of the Ukraine Delegation which negotiated with the US in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, stated flatly that Ukraine REFUSES to give up its bid to join NATO.

Hal Turner Remark

Apparently, the Ukrainians need to be beaten-up some more by Russia to help them understand they've lost the conflict with Russia and have no choice.


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