UPDATED 7:04 PM EDT -- BACK ON THE AIR ! ! ! --WRMI Making Repairs After Hurricane; KYAH Going off-air and being sold

Listeners to the Hal Turner Radio Show are aware that Global High-Frequency radio station WRMI (Radio Miami International) suffered significant damage from Hurricane Ian. 

The station lost electrical power about one hour into the Hal Turner Radio Show on Wednesday night, after the hurricane made landfall, and began traveling inland through central Florida with extremely high winds.

Electricity was restored to the station around 3:30 PM Friday afternoon, but wind damage to the vast (1 square mile) property and its Antenna field, was significant.

The station has fourteen (14) transmitters - most of them 100,000 watts each, and twenty-three (23) antennas aimed to different parts of the world.  That amount of antennas requires a LOT of land, so the station is on one square mile of property!

Telephone poles holding up the transmission wires, which carry the radio signal from the transmitters to the antennas, went down.  Several of the vast antenna arrays suffered damage or collapsed in the 100+ MPH winds.

The antenna for the transmitter that carries the Hal Turner Radio Show IS INTACT, but it's transmission wire from the transmitter, is down with one of the downed poles.

As of Saturday morning, WRMI advised me that they have secured thirty (30) new telephone poles.  They began installing those poles today, and will begin re-mounting the transmission wires today as well.   Their GOAL is to have my show, on frequency 5.950, back on the air quickly . . . possibly by Monday, but we'll see.

The station took a significant amount of damage.  They are working their hardest to repair the damage and get back on the air.  

KYAH  540-Am in Utah

I was advised around 7:00 PM Friday night that KYAH is going off the air as of this Sunday night, and the station is being put up for sale.   I do not know why.

This will adversely affect people in a couple ways.  Aside from no longer broadcasting in Utah, KYAH was the method through which this show had "Listen-By-Phone" capabilities.  The station has regularly told me that upwards of two thousand people a night called-in to their Listen-By-Phone system to hear the show.  That system will no longer be available, effective immediately.  I have removed the links from the menu area above reflecting this loss of service.

The KYAH Internet feed will also be gone, effective immediately.  But that will not be such a big deal since folks with cellphones or Internet connections can tune-in to the show using the links in my web site menu bar above (LISTEN ONLINE) to still hear the show.

With the loss of KYAH, there is now some small Budget money available for another Brokered Air Time AM station.   If you know of a station that needs programming, please either let me know, or let them know that my show is now available to them.





Friends, Colleagues and Clients:
Our frequency of 5950 kHz has just come back on the air at 2100 UTC Saturday.  We will keep this frequency on the air 24 hours per day until we get more transmitters on the air. 
It has been a slow process of repairing the transmission lines in the muddy swampland. 
We do not expect to have any other frequencies on the air until Monday.  Probably the first ones to go back on the air Monday will be 9395 and 9455 kHz if all goes well. 
Then we will gradually bring all of the others back as the transmission lines are repaired. 
Our Internet stream has continued to operate during and after the storm, mostly with 9955 kHz programming.  Thanks for your patience and understanding, and we will keep you updated.



This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

Radio Station Info

The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

WBCQ Freq. 7490 KHz and 6160 KHz

WRMI Freq. 5950 KHz and 7730 KHz

WWCR Freq. 7520 KHz



WBCQ on Freq. 7490 and WRMI  on Freq. 7730