Zelensky to be next Saddam? Qadaffi?

Zelensky to be next Saddam? Qadaffi?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky seems to have opened his big mouth once too often.  Word seeping out from the corridors of power SEEM to be indicating the "Zelensky may end up being the next Saddam [Hussein]."

Since the meeting earlier this week between the United States and Russia, Ukraine's "president" (his term expired last May) has bluntly told the world "Ukraine will not accept any deals negotiated by the US and Russia" and went further, saying "He will remain Ukraine President until Ukraine is admitted to NATO and to the European Union."

Zelensky went farther, saying he will NOT hold elections!  Even worse, just this morning, zelensky actually, publicly said "Unfortunately, President Trump – I have great respect for him as a leader of a nation that we have great respect for, the American people who always support us – unfortunately lives in this disinformation space,” Zelensky said.

Oh Really?   The President of the United States lives in a disinformation space?   Apparently, Zelensky has lost his mind.

This is all flatly unacceptable to the United States.   Russia, too, understands that Zelensky's term as president expired last May, and as such, he cannot legally negotiate anything on Ukraine's behalf, because he lacks legal, constituted authority.  As such, it appears on its face that elections are necessary.

Some in Ukraine and Europe are saying that an election is impossible during wartime, but the United States knows differently.   In 1862, during the height of the horrifying Civil War, inside the United States itself, there was an election and Abraham Lincoln won re-election. 

It should be noted that more Americans were killed and injured in that Civil War, than in ALL the wars the United States has engaged in since then!  The US Civil War was the bloodiest, deadliest, conflict ever to befall the nation - and yet WE held an election right in the middle of that.

In Washington yesterday, there was actual discussion of possibly another "Maidan" revolution inside Ukraine, to send Zelensky fleeing.  There was also an actual side discussion about whether or not it may be necessary for Zelensky to become another Saddam Hussein or Muammar Qadaffi! ! ! ! ! !  Hussein was captured and hung by his neck until dead. Qaddaffi was shot in the head on the street during rioting.

The fact that such discussions are now taking place in certain corridors of government power is an astonishing change for Ukraine; brought about by Zelensky's own mouth, making public demands he's in no position to make.

With regard to Zelensky's public remarks, said another insider in Washington "Losers of wars do not get to dictate terms."

That simple statement perfectly enunciates the actual situation: Ukraine is losing and WILL lose the war.

If the United States cuts-off aid - both militarily and financially - it appears all of Ukraine would collapse within two weeks.

The European Union is in outright panic over the change in US policy toward Ukraine, and in a futile blast of verbal bravado, announced that "Europe will step-up if the US leaves."   The trouble for Europe is simple: They can't.

For decades,. European countries failed to live up to the two percent (2%) GDP commitment to defense spending; forcing the U.S. to increase it's commitments and equipment, to make up for the non-existent European spending.  Now, through its own failure to spend on defense, Europe finds itself facing the realization THEY may have to try to supply Ukraine with all its war needs; a task that Europe is physically unable to undertake.  Europe simply does not have the manufacturing capability to supply enough weapons and ammunition, and severely lacks the financial resources to assist Ukraine fast enough to prevent the inevitable loss.

Russia, on the other hand, has increased its military industrial production, and now produces seven times what all of the US and NATO combined can produce.

So while the US or EU could supply streams of more money, they lack the means of military production.  If the US steps-away, it is a "fait accompli." Ukraine falls.

The real dynamic to this situation is that with the US signaling in the clearest terms that the Ukraine situation MUST be brought to an end, will Ukraine (and the EU) commit some type of false flag event, which they then use to cause the outbreak of actual world war 3?

Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev, of Russia's Federation Council (Senate) put it best when he described Zelensky as a "cornered rat."  Said Medvedev "A cornered rat is unpredictable; he will run back and for, squealing, but inevitably attack."

This situation being as it is, the world is in quite a precarious situation.  Thanks to US President Donald Trump, the entire worldwide dialogue about Ukraine is now changed and moving in a different direction; toward peace.

Europe is resisting fiercely, but Europe needs U.S. military might to continue.  Clearly, they can not rely on US military might any longer because the US wants this war stopped.

With regard to the meeting held earlier this week in Saudi Arabia, both the US and Russian delegations have revealed that the meeting was "positive."  Both sides indicated there was a candid exchange of positions and opinions, while both sides not only LISTENED to each other, they HEARD each other.

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman, Maria Zakarova put it best when she said "The great accomplishment is that we're talking."


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