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Deep Inside Governments: Fear of "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" over Israel-Iran Situation

Deep Inside Governments: Fear of "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" over Israel-Iran Situation

Deep in the corridors of power in the US, UK and Germany, there is grave concern over the likely-coming attack by Israel against Iran.  I have the "down-and-dirty" on what's _really_ bothering the brainiacs in government. . .

Many are criticizing (illegitimate) President Joe Biden over his telling Israel to NOT strike Iran, even though such advice is prudent. 

Israel struck Iran's Embassy in Syria.  Iran struck back at Israel.   It should end there, but it isn't. 

Israel is saying they will strike Iran yet again.  Iran is warning if such a strike takes place, they will hit Israel very much harder.  Escalation is not just possible, it is almost guaranteed.  The best way to not have escalation is for Israel to walk away.  But they're arrogant.  Obsessed.  They _can't_ stop.

It's not just Biden telling Israel to stop.  The foreign ministers of Britain and Germany are both rushing to Israel tomorrow, presumably to persuade Israel not to attack Iran.

The Zio-Zombies who support Israel no matter what, can't understand why so many major countries are telling little Israel to step back.  I found out why:

"Sudden Jihad Syndrome"

Deep within the corridors of power, they are worried about how all of the newly arrived invaders… err, I mean… “Immigrants” are going to react to it.

Sudden Jihad Syndrome is a bitch…

The brainiacs in government, who thought it would be good to bring all the third-worlders into our advanced countries for some noble cause of "diversity," are starting to figure out that the hordes they allowed in are violent and dangerous when they get angry, and Israel makes them angry.

So now, the same government morons and useful idiots on Corporate Boards of Directors who thought it was a good idea to load our countries up with savages, have a problem.  They are just starting to realize their idea was stupid, and now they're stuck.

This is the primary reason the US, UK, and Germany, are telling Israel to step back; the advanced countries don't want Jihadis running amuck.

Israel knows this.  Israel PLANNED this!

It was the Israeli tribe that pushed for "Diversity"  "Equity"  "Inclusivity"  in every majority-White country.   It was the Israeli tribe that pushed for uncontrolled immigration . . . . into every country BUT THEIR OWN!

And now it is the Israeli tribes that are holding the match, which will set off a conflagration inside all of our advanced countries, over what Israel does in the Middle East.

The intentional sabotage of Western nations, by the Israeli tribes and their fifth column loyalists inside our advanced societies, did this all on purpose.

They are, in fact, destroyers of all that is good, right, and Holy.   Very shortly, I suspect, we will all get to see the results of their sabotage and destructive intentions, right here at home.



This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900


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