All 20,000 Leaked Democrat National Committee Emails DELETED from Wikileaks Server; Part of Assange Plea Deal

All 20,000 Leaked Democrat National Committee Emails DELETED from Wikileaks Server; Part of Assange Plea Deal

Today, all 20,000 emails from the Democrat National Committee, (DNC) were DELETED off Wikileaks servers; presumably as part of the Julian Assange plea bargain!

Julian Assange was instructed to direct WikiLeaks to destroy any remaining classified documents and information in their possession and provide an affidavit once completed, as part of his plea agreement.

Anyone who has even remotely followed the legal troubles of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange, has known it was VERY political; that the powers-that-be were furious their secrets were exposed. 

Although Assange did screw-up royally by asking "Chelsea" Manning to try to get classified material he/she/it would not normally have access to, and tried to get Manning to break password protection on classified material - which WAS a crime, and was NOT "journalism" - the prosecution of Assange was, in no small part, politically motivated.


As most folks know, Assange was released form Belmarsh prison in the UK yesterday, where he had been fighting Extradition to the United States on Espionage charges.  Assange flew to the Northern Marianas Islands (Saipan) to face a Federal Judge, enter a plea, and be sentenced to "time served." Today's deletion of the WIkileaks materials from the Democrat Party, really drives home the grotesque political nature of the legal troubles Assange went through.

A Journalist being given Classified material which he did not ask for, and did not participate in getting, is generally not a crime, but when a Journalist ASKS someone to get, or try to get such materials, then that very much __is__ a crime and Assange walked himself right into it by seeking these materials by telephone.

Most rational people have long ago understood that absolutely *every* telephone call is recorded and while the overwhelming majority of those recordings are never listened to by law enforcement, they are kept in a gigantic database and can be called-up later.

Assange ignored this widely-known danger of telephone calls being recorded, and basically walked himself right into legal trouble.  While I feel sorry for him that he went through so much, and am glad for him that it is over, this entire affair demonstrates to the whole world how vicious the political class actually is.  They really are the most vicious people on earth.




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