Updated 12:52 PM EDT -- Big Storm Came Thru Last Night - Creek Rose 6 Feet in 5 hours

Updated 12:52 PM EDT -- Big Storm Came Thru Last Night - Creek Rose 6 Feet in 5 hours

Regular readers of this web site know that I inherited a house in rural Pennsylvania when my mom died, and am using that house as a sort of "Bug-out" location because it is about 150 miles away from my regular home in New Jersey, 3 miles west of the Empire State Building in midtown Manhattan.

The one acre of property is bordered on one side by a 100 foot wide creek.  The normal, typical creek depths is about two feet.

So very early this morning, between about 1:00 and 2:00 AM, a big storm passed through here.  Lots of lighting and thunder.  POURING rain.

This morning, looking at the creek, it is quite a sight.  According to the USGS Water Gauge, the creek is now 8.65 feet deep.   It rose 6 feet in 5 hours!

The water level is now 8.65 feet and rising.  If it gets to 11 feet, it will begin to come over its banks and flood.

In the 40+ years my family has owned this land, the creek came over its banks only twice.  Once, the lower level of the property, along the creek bank, got to about one foot deep.  The other time, it got to about three feet deep.

At no time did the water ever make it high enough to even touch this house.  But today is an interesting day.  

The force of nature is awesome.   The friggin creek rose 6 FEET in  hours.  THAT is amazing to me.

UPDATE 10:45 AM EDT --

The creek has risen another half foot within the hour.  Now at 9.02 Feet.   Trees on my property along the creek bank are now becoming surrounded by rushing water.   Another two feet and it comes over the bank onto my land.



UPDATE 12:52 PM EDT --

The creek continues to rise.  Up to 9.6 Feet as of 12:15 PM and still rising.  When it hits 11 feet, it begins flooding, coming over its banks - at least on my property.    


This Site Owned and Published by:


Harold C. Turner

1906 Paterson Plank Road

Post Office Box 421

North Bergen, NJ   07047





Office Tel: 201-484-0900

Email: Hal.Turner@HalTurnerRadioShow.com

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The Hal Turner Show airs as follows:

Monday-Friday 9:00PM - 10:00PM Eastern US time (GMT-0400) on:

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