UPDATED 6:13 PM EST -- It's Election Day - So I thought it best to keep quiet; then the same crap as in 2020 began again . . .

UPDATED 6:13 PM EST -- It's Election Day - So I thought it best to keep quiet; then the same crap as in 2020 began again . . .

Today is Election Day here in the United States and I thought it best that I just keep quiet.   I have extremely strong political views, and extremely strong solutions around those political views.  

Since so many in our society today are soy-boy girly-men, and sissy-Mary's, who think strong views are a "threat," I just figured it is best to be quiet. Yet, here we go again . . . just like 2020.

Maricopa County, Arizona:

The Poll Worker guy says "twenty-five percent of the ballots are being misread."   I'll lay you ten to one odds all the "errors" are in favor of Democrats!  

Elsewhere in Arizona:

Why would anyone believe that an Optical Scanner needs to "warm-up?"  This isn't the 1980's anymore.  Everything is instant-on now.  Maybe an idle scanner takes about 20 seconds to be ready. 

Yet the sheep do and say nothing as their paid public servants fail yet another election!

This is NOT "incompetence."  It is corruption. 



As voters across Mercer County, New Jersey head to the polls to cast their ballots on Tuesday, officials have announced that voting machines had gone down to due to a "county-wide system outage."

Authorities informed residents that they could still vote via standard ballot.

"Voters can still report to their respective polling locations and vote on a standard ballot and insert their ballot into the emergency slot in the machine." 

The County announced via Facebook that "Poll workers will be on hand to walk voters through the process," and that the Board of Elections is "working with Dominion, the machine maker, to resolve the issue."


UPDATE  12:40 PM EST--

South Carolina:

In South Carolina, election officials were blaming the age of voting machines for complaints that arose when voters complained the machine altered their intended choices.

Station WTLX investigated reports that votes were changed, and were told by officials in Richland County that no votes were altered, although some machines had calibration issues.

“Touchscreens can also lose proper calibration,” said State Election Commissioner Chris Whitmire. “However, this is usually a matter of millimeters, so that if you touched near the edge of one candidate it could highlight and check the adjoining candidate.”


North Carolina

In neighboring North Carolina, concerns that machines might not count all the votes led officials to release a statement blaming the humidity, but also assuring voters that all ballots will be counted, the Washington Examiner reported.



Things were a little more serious in Georgia, where problems with electronic equipment forced some polling places in Gwinnett County to resort to paper ballots. The malfunction led to lines that made some voters wait for hours.

“I’m still waiting to vote. Provisional ballots have been offered to those who want them,” said Derrick Oatis as he waited to vote, according to the New York Daily News.



Several Houston sites reported delays due to a mixture of technical issues, but elections officials said that once the problems were resolved, early morning snarls were resolved and lines were vastly reduced, the Houston Chronicle reported.




City officials in Philadelphia voted Tuesday morning — as polling places opened and the vote count began for the midterm elections — to reinstate a time consuming and labor-intensive process for catching double votes that will slow how quickly they can report results.

Within hours of polls opening in Pennsylvania Tuesday morning, a "last minute change" is already causing vote count delays in notoriously corrupt Philadelphia. Before the change this morning, votes in the city were expected to be fully counted by Wednesday morning.

Now, I think we know why Fetterman was predicting an "overnight comeback" in his bid for U.S. Senate


This morning, Nov. 8th, in Mount Vernon (the 38th District / Adam Kuzma is a resident and candidate for State Rep), Elizabeth Township, ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pennsylvania, voters were TURNED AWAY at 7:00 am this morning, poll reporters stating that “THE VOTER REGISTRATION REGISTRY DIDN’T SHOW UP TODAY”, and people could either vote by paper provisional ballot or try back again later – possibly after lunch hour.  WHAAAAT??? Same was also taking place in Bethel Park, ALLEGHENY COUNTY, Pennsylvania. Confirmed by a friend who was turned away this morning, and also reported by Hannah Kuzma, wife of Adam Kuzma on Facebook. Local news stations are NOT REPORTING THIS! “



Philadelphia, PA

Male appears (to some people) to be actually MARKING Ballots with a pen, on live TV, when he is apparently __supposed__ to be counting them.  Video below:


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