The United States Military has informed Scranton, PA Airport there will be several large movements of military helicopters from Rome, NY toward "the Philadelphia Area" today and Monday. Won't say why.
Apparently, the mass movement began yesterday, although I have not seen or heard any helicopters here at my Bugout Location northwest of Scranton.
Why do I think this has something to do with that "eclipse" tomorrow?
Why do I have this nagging feeling there's an awful lot more to this than we've been told?
Why move "over seventy" military helicopters? Of all types?
Why won't they say what it's about?
This is all darn peculiar.
Sorry. Something is very wrong with this picture. Disaster declarations in numerous states. Emergency crews ordered to stand-by. National Guard troops being mobilized. Red Cross asking for urgent blood donations.
No. There's something waaaaay wrong going on here.